I don’t gamble with my children’s life...

Selene POV

"Queasy?" Brooke muttered shifting uncomfortably "I can relate Luna but I don't have to run a test again. I already did one and showed it to His Majesty,".

"Yeah," I nodded "I know about that but don't worry, if you're not interested in running the test then I won't force you. You may go,".

"Okay, Luna," she gave me a wide, empty grin before she left the room. As soon as I was alone with the fertility doctor, I turned to her eagerly.

"Do you think she's pregnant?" I asked.

"She doesn't seem like a woman with a baby, your majesty and I didn't pick up a baby's heartbeat too when I stared at her. Besides, if she truly is pregnant with the King's baby, she should be throwing her weight around and will not hesitate to get tested just to throw it to your face. A lot of women want your position plus given you're yet to give the King a child… a baby is one of the easiest ways to trap him,".