It's not a curse?

Xavier POV

"How about Vina?" Maeve tugged at the leg of my pant pulling me out of my reverie. When I turned, she was regarding me suspiciously. "Should we also ask her to lie to Mummy? You know she's Mummy's best friend and might spill the secret. What do you intend to do?"

"Not if I talk to her first," I replied quickly wondering what was wrong with me. I should be a good example to my kids not aiding them to lie but what could I do, if Selene ever finds out, I'll be dead. "You don't know your mom as much as I do. If she ever finds out, it's going to be an issue and she might not let you guys come to vi…" I was about to say the rest of the words but remembered I was talking to my brilliant four-year-old and she was going to catch on.