I hate you because I wish I was you

Selene POV

"Maybe you should think things through," I mumbled sighing deeply. "Sometimes we make decisions forgetting that somehow, it'll not be favourable to us one day and it might also make us lose out on something. Plus, it's not always good to pay evil with good,".

"I know that!" Noah sighed "But I am tired of trying to understand, Nora of hoping that one day she'd come to her senses and see that every one of her actions hurts those around her and finally see that getting approval from my father is the last thing she needs. He's never going to change,".

"Poor Nora!" I murmured feeling pity for her "I can imagine how she must have felt when your father scorned her mother. It shaped who she became. The woman she grew up into. She thinks weakness is a sin. She fears that if she shows how scarred she is underneath he will look at her the same way he looked at her mother,"