The biggest threat to the Luna...

Selene POV

The cool evening breeze carried the scent of impending rain as I paced the length of Noah's bedroom, my mind was still a whirlwind of fear and disbelief. The auditors that were on our way to the pack for investigation, especially the members of the pack that had security clearance were found dead just a mile away from Moon Whisper.

Noah has not had a moment of rest since the news broke earlier today. What was worse, the news of the death of the auditors had somehow gotten to the ears of the people and now, our communication department was running through and fro trying to assure the people that they need not be afraid.

But who were they deceiving?

Everyone knows that auditors… no matter how intense a war is, even something as simple as a riot, they cannot be killed. Once they're dressed in their uniforms for identification both fighting sides cannot kill them. They were like mini gods around here.