Seared into my memory forever...

Noah POV

What happened next would be seared into my memory forever.

The figure that had appeared to be Selene growled with pain and began to shift and contort. In a matter of seconds, where my mate had been, there now lay the lifeless body of a fox.

I stumbled back, my mind reeling. A Shapeshifter. They had been tricked by a shapeshifter. I had kissed and made love to a shapeshifter – Selene was going to kill me.

Trying to sill the tremors that ran through me, I reached for my phone and sent a text to both Kurtis and Lucius, too shaken up to speak to them on the phone. Within minutes, both men burst into my bedroom, they seemed to be wearing the same kind of nightwear. Kurtis had the shirt on, while Lucius had its bottom and they seemed flustered.