You're my first kiss...

Selene POV

Afterwards, we all gathered around the large sofa in the centre of the room. I settled into the plush cushions, the girls by my left side, Noah by my right while Lucius and Kurtis sat opposite me, their faces etched with concern and a thousand unspoken questions. They all started speaking at once, their faces etched with concern and a thousand unspoken questions. They all started speaking at once, voices overlapping in a chaotic blend of worry and curiosity.

"Where have you been?"

"What happened to you?"

"Are you really, okay? How did you escape Jared?"

I held up my hand, silencing them. "I appreciate all your concern," I said, my voice calm but firm. "But I've had a long day, and I'm not in the mood to rehash everything right now. I just need some rest."