The story

February 13

"you are looking pale, Achilles."

Lee Shannon mumbles as he tries to call the attention of the man who's now deep staring at the tiled floor with an untouched cigarette stick in his finger, silently sitting on the sofa.

"I said I am going to work further to make our lives better, to not just wait for him to give support financially because he's a total asshole like how my mother said when she's on her death bed."

"Achilles, I said you shouldn't be thinking about that now, right? It happened a long time ago, but why do you keep burying yourself in the past?"

"It's not that easy, Lee. I'd rather take revenge than forgive 'cause of what happened to mom. She died with a heavy heart, crying, eyes stained with pain, until she forever closed them. The only thing she ask me is to forgive that man 'cause for her, it is no one to blame for what happened." Achilles said in a low voice.

"Different to what I saw it was." He added.