Sigh, why are all Mikaelsons so dramatic?

But I can understand their paranoia.

What the heck to think they would be in this much pain?

"Bro, I want to ask you a genuine question. How the heck are you sane in any modicum of capacity? Because if someone did this to me, I would have hunted them down.

"I would only forgive them if they were family. Does Klaus know how much pain you go through with these daggers?"

"I don't know, mate. He never asks. I don't think Bekah or Elijah know the true horror of these daggers. As for Finn, well, he is the type of guy who you would not look out for because dear elder brother was always a mama's boy. As for merging, sorry mate, not happening."

"Okay, Kol, do I look like a guy who wants to lose his individuality?"

"Look, we are in a way trapped here, and whoever or whatever did this is protecting us from being detected."

'at least i hope so'

"And the force of the merge is increasing. You are experienced in these kinds of things, so you are preventing it from your side. Good enough."

"But the force is increasing as we speak. and I am not able to resist any longer. So, for the love of gods, let's just get to it."

"Fine, mate. Even I am not sure how long this will take and what the repercussions will be. It will sure be good."

And the merge began.

The two souls transformed into two orbs and were colliding, merging, separating, and repeating the process.

As the process was going on, a new sphere was forming at the collision point with characteristics of both, as one soul is an old one, the other is a mystical one, even without the mystic, it was being accommodated by nature as it is unique to the world from now on.

The process continued in the void. Finally, a new orb of soul formed.

Then it began to take shape, and at the same time...

(Outside World)

In a dilapidated room, there are four coffins, and they are being opened one by one by Elijah. After being woken up by Damon Salvatore first.

He removes the dagger from Rebekah,

then moves onto Kol, and then to Finn, collecting the daggers.

As Elijah waits for his siblings to wake up and reunite,

the Bennett witches are trying to open up the fourth coffin in the caves.

Rebekah opens her eyes, sits up in her coffin, and takes a deep breath.

"So, dear brother, where is that bastard Nik?"

"Sister, let's wait for our siblings, then we can all go and meet our beloved Niklaus."

Rebekah moves towards Elijah and hugs him.

"I missed you, brother."

"And I you, sister."

"So, you removed all daggers, including Finn?"

"Yes, sister."

Finn wakes up, has a scowl on his face, and stoically walks towards his siblings, taking the blood bags handed to him.

(Kol's POV)

I woke up with a silent scream.

I could feel that intense pain in my head and that fire under my skin — it's my magic that has been accumulating for over a thousand years.

As I got up from the coffin to sit, I could feel the overwhelming emotions, the increased sensitivity, and the ability to hear.

Oh, this is overwhelming.

How the heck is this okay? Let's take a breath and reset ourselves.

Okay, nothing's going to happen.

I see, even though that half of me was mature, he was still a kid of 24 years old.

As for the memories, I see.

What the heck is wrong with my family? Yeah, we didn't lose our individuality.

We are the amalgam of both Rudra and Kol Mikaelson.

The TV show didn't do justice for me or my family — the carnage we unleashed.

Oh, this is going to be fun.

The ringing in his ears stopped.

The burning pain is my magic.

How the heck didn't Kol figure it out by now?

Oh, so it's not that he couldn't figure it out; he could only feel the loss of the connection, as one part of me didn't feel magic in his whole life.

I can feel it because how he was essentially disconnected.

Maybe I can become a vampire-witch hybrid.

Oh, the possibilities.

"Kol, are you alright, brother?" asked Elijah.

"Why don't you tell me, brother?"

Kol got up from his coffin and searched for a mirror, checking himself.

'Yeah, let's get this show on the road.'