Chapter 11 : Veins of Resilience

Together, they immersed themselves in a night of feeding and revelry.

In the dimly lit corner of the party,

Kol Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes found themselves engaged in an exchange,

that transcended the clinking of glasses and the murmur of other patrons.

The air was heavy with the scent of alcohol and Blood,

setting the stage for a conversation that would unveil the start of Caroline's supernatural journey.

Kol, with his mischievous grin, leaned in, silently inviting Caroline to lay bare her past.

Kol leans

"Caroline, darling, let's delve into the nitty-gritty of your journey. I'm eager to hear every twisted turn."

Caroline takes a deep breath

" Alright, Kol.

Get ready.

My story begins back in the good ol' days of Mystic Falls High."

The memories of her human life flooded back,

and Caroline's expressions carried the weight of the pain and trauma etched into her past.

"So, there was this guy,

Stefan Salvatore. He was the new guy every girl was interested in but he had eyes for Elena from the beginning,

and I was always the second choice in this godforsaken town from our childhood I had to work hard for everything whereas Elena with just a simple smile got all the attention and admiration

honestly, it was very suffocating

so I tried to one-up her

I tried to flirt with him,

you know, teenage stuff.

But he bluntly rejected me."

Kol raised an eyebrow "The Ripper? He Rejected you" and Gasped "The Gall!!"

Caroline smirks at him, as he is seemingly trying to ease her

" Oh, it gets worse.

As I was wallowing about the rejection

Then came Damon,

the charming but wicked Salvatore brother.

I, who was always attracted to bad boys,

jumped first into that pit.

He used me for blood and other things."

Caroline looked away in shame.

Kol nods

"There is no shame in weakness, Caroline.

It is a sin to stay weak after being shown you are weak."

Caroline grimaced

"And my friends,


they ignored my struggles.

Trapped in my mind,

I resorted to wearing mismatched clothes,

trying to cover scars and bruises

hoping someone would notice.

But no one did."

As Caroline continued with a haunted look in her eyes

the Party's ambience seemed to fade away,

replaced by the vivid recollection of her darkest moments.

Caroline continued

"Then Stefan compelled me,

wiped my memories with Damon clean. But I knew I was always having gaps in my memory then I was in an accident and got admitted to the hospital

where I was given Damon's blood at Bonnie and Elena's insistence as she needed her friend."

She laughed at herself disparagingly.

"And then there was Katherine,

who orchestrated my transition into a vampire for Klaus's ritual.

Compulsions faded,

I was left in a hospital while transitioning alone,

but no one seemed to care."

Kol leaned back, intrigued

"Compelled by Damon and transitioning under Katherine's hands.

Quite the drama."

Keeping his expression neutral.

Caroline narrows her eyes as she remembers

"Bonnie reluctantly gave me a daylight ring,

after a lot of begging and insistence from Stefan with a threat of removing the charm if I hurt humans.

But she has no problems with the Salvatores,

as Elena has vouched for them."

Caroline had a pained expression along with some tears.

As she spoke, Caroline's gaze held a mix of defiance and resilience.

" I had to follow a blood-bag diet, or a bunny diet or they'd kill me.

Damon even tried to kill me immediately after I transitioned,

to not have to care for another problem.

And then came the werewolves."

Continued with a desolate voice.

Kol expression darkened

" Werewolves. How delightful.

Why were they after you?"

Caroline continues

"It's because of Damon,

He killed Mason Lockwood to safeguard Elena.

I had to face the consequences of his actions.

They kidnapped me,

tor.. tor...tortured me,

repeatedly shoo..shoo..shooting wooden bullets at my head,

spraying vervain on me.

Tyler watched as I suffered.

I begged for him to save me,

but he ignored me

and I was rescued by some witches."

But the pain, anguish and desolate tone in her voice were heartbreaking.

As she spoke, Caroline's voice carried the weight of her pain.

"And then, out of the blue,

I was kidnapped for Klaus's ritual, along with Tyler.

I tried to talk to him, I thought he changed from being a jackass.

We were saved by Damon Salvatore and Matt, and we had to quickly chain Tyler as it was a full moon but it was too late I had to save myself and Matt to escape from Tyler who had already transformed into a wolf that's when I found out my boyfriend matt he knew me being a vampire and was plotting my death with my mother and then he broke up with me he had some valid reasons I let it go then I started helping Tyler with his transformations we got close I became his girlfriend

"a vampire and a wolf,

darling the amount of things u went through,

I don't know if I can have this much action in a century Caroline" responded Kol bemused

as Caroline seems to continue rambling

"Then my friends did something,

and Mikael came.

I was vervained by Tyler so as not to be involved in the fight.

Later, Klaus seems to have suggested biting me to Tyler,

who bit me and blamed it on the sire bond.

Your brother saved me,

my father,


he also came back to town as he is from the founding family,

finding his baby daughter turned into a vampire.

Tortured me with vervain and condition me not to drink blood

When my mom saved me at that time,

after that only we reconciled.

As for my dad,

he came back again to help Tyler,

got attacked by Tyler,

given vampire blood by the doctor at the hospital,

got stabbed by a serial killer.

He didn't complete his transition,

as he considers being a vampire is a worse fate than being dead."

finished Caroline and looked at Kol who was looking at her with wide eyes,

and many emotions swirling in his eyes

Kol raised his glass,

finished drinking,

poured another,

and downed it again.

"Darling," Kol spoke softly yet chillingly,

"you are one of the strongest creatures I have ever encountered.

As for the sire bond,

it does want you to please your sire,

but it can be circumvented if the sired is willing enough.

It is just a strong suggestion.

If you don't want to do it,

you can't.

It's not like a compulsion.

I hope you can understand what I am saying.

Sorry, Caroline."

Caroline showed a pained expression.

As the night unfolded,

Kol and Caroline continued to exchange stories,

their shared experiences forming a bond,

and as Caroline bared her soul,

she found an unexpected confidante in the mischievous Mikaelson brother.

As Caroline laughed at his observation with a newfound understanding of herself,

Kol's mind wandered towards Damon Salvatore.

The thought of their impending encounter filled him with anticipation—it would surely be thrilling and entertaining.

'oh the fun I will have with him'


Hi guys,

I have combined 2 chapters for this

I have officially completed this mini-arc from the next chapter onwards we will be seeing gore violence and many more interesting magics to be seen

"promises promises.." kol's voice in the background

a chill goes through the author's spine

"what the fuck I knew it was a bad idea for u to get magic ...FUCK!"

The author needs to escape bye bye

'let's fucking run from here'

*End Scene*

I will be posting the next mini arc today,

it will be updated till chapter 15 on p@treon and a single chapter on webnovel

If u can support me on P@treon the link is

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