Zewedi Swayo: "We'll see about that"




     He hated his job. And most times, he hated himself for complying and obeying the given orders of his superiors. The Imperial Expansion Policy had intrigued him as a kid and growing up, he felt the need to explore and conquer new planets for the Empire, like the brave soldiers who were portrayed on the Jisu-Cueso. This led him to join the Mevopis Xesus. After graduating and travelling outside the Torumato system, and witnessing the cruelty of the Crugi on the other species, he wondered if the IEP was indeed, a good cause.

He began despising those heroes that were celebrated when their portraits flashed on the Jisu-Cueso and regretted joining the military. He hated the invasion and was even embarrassed that he was a Crugi. But still, voicing or going against the policy was unthinkable, if he wanted to live. He had to obey and carry out orders, even those that were taboos and unimaginable, back home. The military were out to do whatever it takes to solidify and cement their sovereignty over the subdued species, including the humans and several cruel methods were used to achieve this. He wished he could stop it but what could he, an mere Lohis do? 

     The humans on their part didn't take it lightly. They fought back fiercely and Zewedi admired their courage despite the fact that they were outmatched and outnumbered. The Resistance itself was a tough nut to crack. They were a big thorn in the Occupation's flesh and their operations weakened the sovereignty. They attacked the weakest links they could find in the chain of resources supply for the Crugi troops and slowed down the progress of the new government. As quickly as they attacked, they retreated the same way and left no traces behind. For years, the Crugi had arrested and executed several humans who were thought to have been the instigators and leaders of the Resistance but they were wrong. Even the human informants themselves, were clueless about the leadership of the Resistance. 

     Years back, the Crugi governor in charge of San Francisco, Nekus Akuin had come up with a strategy to end the leadership of the Resistance and recreated the Enforcers Corps. Back home, their duties included the policing of the colonies and planets and maintaining the law. They took on the same objectives and assignments here on Earth, but those were not the only cause of being implemented. This unit of soldiers also sought out and interacted with humans who felt that the invaders were supreme in their actions or those who were in dire need of things or favors that the Occupation could provide. These humans became spies and informants for the Crugi government, reporting everything that happened secretly in the districts to the Enforcers, in exchange for resources to survive.

Zewedi, not willing to be associated with the cruelty of his people directly, and in a bid to do his military duties, signed up and joined the Enforcers. He rose steadily in the ranks, over the years and even had a good influence with a few humans which he worked with. One of them was Steph Fraser. 

     Losing his son during the TakeOver, one would think that Steph would harbor a great hatred for the invaders, but he didn't. He rather wanted the bloodshed and carnage to end. He was able to gather a few homeless and wanted humans and cater for them secretly, in the barn of his farm. These humans were either friends or relatives of executed Resistance members, who were evicted from their houses and even fired from their work places. They were wanted people who were usually locked up and interrogated intensively to find out if they knew anything about the activities of the deceased member or were even members themselves. Few usually survived the interrogation, even though they were innocent and ignorant.

Some of them ran away and went into hiding. Steph took them in and provided for them, daily. He began buying foodstuff and supplies that exceeded his needs, and this caught Zewedi's attention while he was patrolling the grocery stores. Curious and suspicious that Steph was hiding Resistance members, Zewedi began observing and stalking him, whenever he came to the grocery stores. After a week of watching the middle-aged man buy food that could last him a whole month, Zewedi sensed something fishy and followed him home to his farm. He discovered the barn and the people within and made to arrest Steph for aiding wanted humans. Steph had pleaded with him to save their lives and his, as he was their only hope of survival. He pledged to do whatever Zewedi wanted as long as he let the barn remained a secret and a pact was made. Zewedi in need of information, offered to be providing for the barn while Steph became his personal informant on happenings around the districts.

      Today, Zewedi waited behind one of the houses for Steph, with a bagful of food supplies. Feeling a bit hungry, he dipped his hand into the bag and brought out a snack. During his first year on Earth, he had refrained from eating human processed foods, but as the years wore on, he found himself enjoying the snacks and even storing some in his stash. He tore open the potato chips wrapper and crunched on the chips absentmindedly while waiting for Steph. His mind wandered back to Epixon-2 and the beautiful lady he had left behind to join the military. She had promised to wait for him but he wondered if she still kept her promise after almost seven years away from Epixon-2. [The regular rotation between Earth and Epixon-2 were very different as it took 548 days to make a complete cycle of a year in Epixon-2. Zewedi left Epixon-2 and served in the army at Domeran for three planet-years before being sent to Earth during the invasion, twelve planet-years ago, which sums up to fifteen years, judging from Earth's rotation of 365 days. But, according to the rotation back in Epixon-2, he has actually spent six years in the military.]

He wondered if she would go back on her promise and mate with someone else. He knew it was too early to be so pessimistic as she was probably waiting for him, hopeful of his return. He had kept close contact with her while he was in Domeran, but after the conquest of Earth, her holographic frequency became static. He thought it was due to the fact that the operating frequency emited on Earth was different from that of Epixon-2 and didn't think too much about it. But now, after contacting his parents and friends in Epixon-2, he became worried as he still couldn't reach her. He hoped she was safe.

     "Lost in thoughts?"

He spun around and saw Steph Fraser approaching. He always looked like a hermit, and he even dressed as one. His grey shirt was faded with too many washing and his denim trousers were patched in several areas. He wore muddy Wellingtons and his hair was a rat's nest. 

     "You could say that...." He activated his microcom by tapping his neck. 

     "Thinking of anything in particular?" Steph came up to him.


     Steph nodded. "It's been twelve years since you left."

     "Six, actually." He corrected. Steph looked at him, puzzled. He kept forgetting the explanation of spatial time and planetary rotation. He just shrugged and slapped at his jeans, causing dust wisps to billow from it.

     "Got my stuff?"

     "Yeah. Snucked these out from the departmental store. Just make sure you aren't caught with them. Despite being an informer, you could face charges for theft," He grinned at him and handed over the bag. Steph collected it and peered inside, examining the contents.

     "What do you want?" He asked afterwards.

     "Info. On the barracks hit, last week."

     "It was definitely Resistance work."

     "We know that. I just want to know if you have any idea on the identities of those involved."

     "Can't say, exactly. You know the Resistance operates cautiously and discreetly. For years now, we don't even have a clue about the leader of the Resistance, or know what he looks like. However, I know that those who took part in the assault were not from D-district. The suspects I know, were hanging out together, at a small nightclub near Plot 59F. I think the owner of the joint committed an offence or so. Something that had to do with using underaged strippers in his nightclub. They kicked up his club and turned it to a karaoke party."

     "So, you are positive they weren't from D-district?"

     "Very positive. Those who attacked were probably from other district."

     "Okay. Also, something else, the assailants used Esegron in their bombs. Do you know where they could get their hands on Esegron or who could have supplied them with that?" Zewedi asked.

     "It has to be Jo Morrison. He's the only one who has supply of any illegal trade stuff. It sounds odd, but while he's the only one who is capable of this, I am surprised if the Resistance would love to work with someone like Jo. He doesn't love the freedom fighters, and he runs his own ragtag group." This was somewhat true. The governor, Nekus Akuin had suggested this during the briefing.

     "True. Jo Morrison was also our suspect. But he's on our side and reports to us too. Why would he sell Esegron to the Resistance?"

     "Who knows? A change of heart? A strong desire to blast the invaders to pieces? A strong motive to avenge? Jo Morrison could have done this too. Looking at the perspective, he has nothing to lose. Are you sure that the Esegron didn't slip from your side, as in the past?"

     "No. We double-checked our supplies. Everything is intact and untouched."

     "Then Jo is the guy you want. Who knows, he could be planning on bombing your headquarters next," He shrugged again.

     "And what about you? You want to see us get blown up too, don't you?" Zewedi stared at his face to see a honest reaction. Steph just smiled.

      "Believe me, it's a little too late for that, now. If you guys leave Earth, then it would be worse than before. People like Morrison and other faction leaders would be in power and it will be hell for the common man, like me. I don't love the Crugi, but if I'm being honest, I won't love the power shift if the Crugi are ousted, either." 

Zewedi saw the sincerity in his eyes as he said this. Steph gave a curt nod and walked away from him.

     "As much as I hate to say this, but, you humans don't stand a chance against us. We can't be defeated by the earthlings," He called out to him.

Steph stopped and turned to him with a wide smile on his face.

     "We'll see about that."

  1. A heroic board that shows soldiers who've accomplished great military feats, broadcast in mega cities on Epixon-2
  2. The army of a house. Each of the houses have their personal army. Soldiers with exception abilities are then moved to the Imperial army.