Enter into the city

Apex the oldest of the three enters the city and goes to the adventurers Guild there he becomes an official adventurer. for his first Quest he needs to kill 13 Goblins. He enter the forest and kills all the goblins he does the quest very fast.

Now he goes back to the adventurer's guild there he take the money for the quest and levels up to a E ranked adventurer (just so you understand better there is ranks for doing quests you rank up, the higher the rank you are the harder quest you can do, The ranks go from F being the lowest to SS being the highest, there is only 7, SS ranked people in the world, OK now you know about ranks)

Then Apex rents a room at an apartment for the next week.Apex keeps doing quests until he reaches to rank, A where he takes the quest of fighting a whole colony of ogres and if he does this he will make, 1000 Runes (Runes are this worlds currency) he accepts the quest and goes to invade the colony of ogres.

Finally getting there Apex sneaks up on them. Apex then rushes in slaying all the ogres before they could even realize they were being attacked. Apex then goes back to the guild the lady at the from desk says Congratulations! You are now rank, S! Everyone else in the guild goes silent some whispering about how scary Apex was and some even asking him to team up Apex ignored these people. Apex now Ranks, as one of the 43,S ranked adventures Apex says to himself I need to get stronger.

The next morning every one in the guild were acting excited as one of the Seven, SS ranked adventures was coming to this guild later his name was Shadow the Dark knight who was considered to be the strongest of the, SS ranked Apex not caring leaves to do a quest. Wait You there! Apex turn around to see a girl with long orange hair walking up to him. What he asks.

Thats it for this chapter see ya in the next one!