The the announcement of a new threat

("Yo guys its the Creator I just wanted to say that their are power rankings in this world the power rankings are for only the strongest people in the world these ranking are way more than a rank if your and adventurer and are very hard to achieve a ranking but if you do get a ranking you will be feared everywhere you go. So here are the rankings. Amateur, apprentice, bronze,silver,iron,gold,emerald,diamond,amethyst,jade,ruby,saphire, and the strongest as Alexandrite, so know you know about power ranking and how they are only given to the strongest people")

Shadow was walking in the city' when loud sirens were heard all around the city. Everyone was wondering why this was shadow had heard of these before he thought. Oh ya they sound alarms when one of the ranked people either loses their title and became evil or they died, Then a voice can out of the sirens and it said attention to all people in every city! We hate to inform you but one of the rankers has fallen in battle he was a gold ranked Adventurer.

He had fallen while fighting two diamond ranked villains. That is all ladies and gentleman goodbye the microphone turns off everdody in the city is silent its not every day when one of the ranked people die. Shadow listening to this (Btw he's 18 now) is a little surprised but shrugs it off and goes to the adventurer's guild where a man With short white hair looks him dead in the eye shadow asks the lady at the desk about him.

She tells him that his name was Apex and that he becaom a, S ranked Adventurer today. An, S rank huh..he's strong can feel his aura he's got power I could use him. Shadow smiles well give me the hardest quest you have the lady gives him the quest to kill 3 male dragons and bring back 1 dragon claw from each one. OK Shadow accepts the quest then he gets swarmed by the other people in the guild asking him to team up.

NO he yells, everyone goes silent and is in shock he made them shiver in fear just by yelling I work alone he says' I won't team up with anybody even if they are same rank as me. He walks out of the guild to see Apex talking to a girl with long orange hair he walks over to Apex interrupts the girl. H-hey! She yells at him do you know who your yelling at? Little girl you know your a girl surrounded by 2 people bigger and strongethan you. Your powerless against us so now little girl think again before you say things like that to someone you are inferior to.

Now run away she runs away scared half to death now where were we... Oh ya want to fight me? Apex staring at him why do you ask? Because I sense that your strong and might be a good opponent to train against Apex accepts this offer I'll to do my quest when I get back we will spar Apex accepts and waits for Shadow when Shadow finally comes back Apex asks are you ready to fight? Yes says Shadow they get ready they do a countdown 3,2,1 FIGHT'

Apex lunges at Shadow Apex uses lightning fist. But Shadow dashes and trips Apex is that all you got? Shadow asks, Shadow then attacks moving fast Apex looks at Shadow and then he disappear's Apex looks around. Behind you he hears a voice all of the sudden Apex is pushed to the ground I have your shadow now. I win Apex accepts defeat Shadow helps him up so wanna team up? apex considers what's in it for me? You get personal training from me and you get to work with a SS ranked Adventurer.

So will you team up trust me I don't want to be like friend I just need a strong teammate like you Apex thinks yes I accept Nice OK let's start your first training I found a goblin fortress on the east side of Rama city let's go. (And so they teamed up for now why did shadow team up with him for help in quest or a different motive?)

3 months later, The sirens came on again and the voice came on again saying a new Ranked has been chosen his name is... Shadow the dark knight.

Cya next chap!