Rouge's true power, The Demon within

The door to the guild slammed open with a resounding crash, causing heads to turn and conversations to halt. The room fell silent as a dark silhouette of a young man stepped inside, his presence commanding attention. He was adorned in blood-soaked armor, his body covered in scars and bruises, a testament to the fierce battle he had just emerged from. In his hand, he held the severed head of a fearsome Minotaur, its lifeless eyes staring blankly into the room.

As he approached the counter, the young man struggled to catch his breath, blood dripping from his wounds, leaving a trail of crimson in his wake. With a weary voice, he mumbled, "Dungeon complete... where's my reward?"

The guild leader, a seasoned warrior himself, stepped forward, his eyes widening at the sight before him. He handed the young man a small bag of talons and some healing herbs, a meager reward for such a feat. "It's on the house," he said, his voice filled with admiration and respect.

The young man, known as Rogue, couldn't believe his ears. He had expected a grand reward for his triumph over the level 18 Minotaur. He raised his voice, his mumble turning into a serious tone. "You gotta be kidding me, right?"

The guild leader shook his head, his expression serious. "You better up your game, Rogue. Defeating a level 18 Minotaur hardly warrants a reward. But today, I was feeling generous."

Rogue couldn't help but feel a surge of disappointment. He had risked his life in that dungeon, battling through hordes of monsters, only to be rewarded with a mere bag of talons. Frustration welled up inside him, and he started laughing, a bitter sound that echoed through the guild hall.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through Rogue's eye, causing him to scream in agony. He fell to the floor, clutching his face, blood pouring from the wound. The guild leader's worried expression turned to one of fear as he witnessed a dark aura lifting from Rogue's body. The talons from the bag began levitating around him, swirling in a chaotic dance.

With a surge of power, Rogue stood up, his eye regenerating before the guild leader's eyes. The guild leader stumbled backward, his voice trembling. He had never seen anything like this before. Rogue held out his hand, and a scythe made of blood materialized in his grasp. He held it menacingly at the guild leader's throat, a bloody grin spreading across his face.

Beneath his twisted smile, Rogue spoke in a low, chilling voice, blood dripping from his words. "Ready to pay up?"

The guild leader, his voice quivering, shook his head. "I can't do that, sir."

Rogue's disappointment turned into rage. In one swift motion, he swung the scythe, beheading the guild leader. Blood sprayed across the room, splattering Rogue's already blood-soaked body. He turned away from the lifeless body, his eyes scanning the empty guild hall.

As he walked towards the exit, Rogue took one last look at the blood-covered guild. A dark chuckle escaped his lips, echoing through the silent room. With a final slam of the door, he left the guild behind, his mind consumed by thoughts of revenge and power.