Chapter 13




• You have received 5,000 TOG Coins

• You have gained one level!

• + 5 Strength

• + 5 Qi

• + 10 Agility


[!] You will be immediately transported back to the Challenger Private Lobby!


"By the heavens..." Ji Wuye exclaimed in stunned awe, his eyes widening at the dazzling ethereal sight materializing before him. The shimmering rewards and flashing notifications hung suspended in the air, shining like a constellation of mystic treasures.


In a dizzying instant of shocked disbelief, his physical form pixelated and vanished without a trace, the particles of his body scattering - only to rapidly recompile in the confines of an empty cubic arena room.


Returning to the austere private lobby, a verdant emerald aura erupted around Ji Wuye's entire body, bathing him in restorative energies that gently caressed his battered form like a mother's healing touch.


The soothing radiance mended and sealed the lingering burns, scrapes and lacerations from his grueling clash against the raging fire elemental.


[!] All temporary injuries had been healed!


Ji Wuye remained outwardly stoic and unaffected, his expression betraying no reaction to this miraculous renewal. But inwardly, his heartbeat quickened with renewed vigor and relief.


Sinking into a cross-legged meditative pose, he closed his eyes and patiently observed the flow of his inner organs, channeling streams of revitalized Qi through his meridian pathways.


The hairline fractures spiderwebbing his Dantians - which had been perilously close to shattering under the strain - gradually knitted back together, returning to their intact state.


Ji Wuye exhaled a deep, cleansing breath. "Phew...without the Tower's healing, it would have been impossible for me to safely wield my Qi again," he murmured gratefully.


'Status,' he commanded inwardly.



[->] Name: Ji Wuye

[->] Level: 13

[->] Strength: 41

[->] Agility: 41

[->] Qi: 36

[*] Skills:

- Quick Adaptation(F)



"Nice!" A faint smile played across Ji Wuye's lips as he scrutinized the updated attributes. "However, I didn't receive the anticipated achievement for surpassing the 5,000 coin milestone," he muttered with a contemplative frown.


Considering the Tower's impartial treatment of all challengers, he speculated that the elite leaders of each sect likely commanded staggering fortunes of coins and achievements far beyond his own.


The disparity between Inner Disciples and Outer Disciples was glaringly evident. If he managed this modest total with minimal effort, what about those Inner Disciples? Given their higher realm, how many more coins had they acquired or what greater achievements had they attained?


Ji Wuye shook his head, dismissing the fleeting pang of arrogance that had begun whispering insidious thoughts of being a singular talent.


He could not afford to forget about the countless supreme geniuses walking this path - talents like Mu Lan Rou and Du Chen, to name but a few.


"With this number of coins, I might finally be able to purchase some long-coveted upgrades..." His eyes gleamed with anticipation.


'Shop,' he willed, opening the mystic storefront interface.


[*] SHOP

[>] Skill [<]

[>] Items [<]


"Skill," Ji Wuye stated.



TOG COINS: 5.845

Fire Bolt (F) - 100 coins

Thorned Shield (F) - 100 coins

Lesser Healing (F) - 100 coins

Barkskin (F) - 100 coins

Dancing Lights (F) - 100 coins

Produce Flame (F) - 100 coins

Mending (F) - 100 coins

Blade Ward (F) - 100 coins

Basic Swordplay (F) - 100 coins

Innate Sword Intent (F) - 100 coins

Pugilist's Stance (F) - 100 coins

Meridian Sensing (F) - 100 coins

Pulse of Yuanying (E) - 300 coins

Incipient Sword Talisman (E) - 300 coins

Fist of the North Star (E) - 300 coins

Cloudsoaring Steps (E) - 300 coins

Healing Art Primer (E) - 300 Coins





The extensive scrolling list continued far beyond his current viewport. Notably absent were some of the basic introductory skills previously available on the first floor shop.


"There's even an E-rank skills now..." Ji Wuye mused, his gaze lingering on those elevated skills that had once seemed utterly unattainable. "In the past I could only gaze upon them wistfully without means to acquire..."


Among the myriad options, the sturdy defensive skill Barkskin immediately caught his eye - it bestowed martial artists with dense, bark-like resilient skin akin to a mystical wooden entity.


Others like Basic Swordplay and Meridian Sensing struck him as a complementary synergistic pairing worth considering. The former taught crucial fundamentals of the blade, while the latter might aid to becoming an martial artist for those unable to naturally sense their Qi and meridian pathways.


"But most of them are useless..." Ji Wuye muttered under his breath, his discerning gaze scrutinizing the myriad skill listings with a critical eye.


Due to the inner arts that was given by the Kunlun Sect, he could not simply discard or alter the very foundations upon which his hard-earned effort were built.


Not to mention the peerless sword arts he had, the rest - trifling offensive skills like fire bolts or mana-fueled lightning skills - were pedestrian stopgaps at best.


Cheap parlor tricks that paled in power and artistry compared to the compound might of a martial art.


In the previous timeline, Ji Wuye may have hastily acquired such supplemental external abilities to artificially bolster his lacking strength.


But now...?


"The power derived from transcendent internal arts is far more formidable in the long run," he stated with quiet conviction. "Skills are merely essential building blocks, not the paramount path."


He gazed upwards, "And also...I have finally found you after all this time..."


After much deliberation weighing the merits of each option, Ji Wuye made his decisive selections - purchasing only two specific skills that would provide indispensable assistance going forward.


One had long been an impossible dream just barely out of reach - a cherished goal that could now be realized.


The other possessed untold strategic value, granting him the means to potentially obfuscate and conceal the full extent of his hard-won power for longer periods when necessary.


[!] You have purchased skill Healing Art Primer(E)!


[!] You have purchased skill Cloudsoaring Steps(E)!


[>>[Healing Art Primer (E) ]<<]

Type: Passive Skill - External Arts

Stage: Mending Meridians (1st Stage)

A healing art that comes from renowned doctors who have long honed their skills.


[>>[Cloudsoaring Steps (E) ]<<]

Type: Passive Skill - External Arts

Stage: Earth Steps (1st Stage)

A movement art that was created by the most experienced thief to dodge and hide from the imperial soldiers.


Unlike skills like Quick Adaptation that are instantly acquired, those bearing elaborate names categorized as "external or internal arts" often had rich, storied origins tracing back centuries. These arts possessed multiple advancing tiers and nuanced developmental stages that required mastery over time.


While external skills could be grasped instantly, internal or external arts demanded total immersion for leveling them up, similar to the inner art bestowed by his sect.


"Mending Meridians...that's what the first stage of this healing art is called," Ji Wuye murmured, a satisfied smile spreading across his lips as everything fell into place.

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