Chapter 19


The raucous shouts of "Shut up, you!" and "This is unfair!" echoed through the training courtyard, the dissonant chorus of accusations slicing through the heavy tension blanketing the scene.


Angry fists shook towards the sky as voices strained with indignation.


"I'm against it!" another irate voice barked, the words laced with resentment.


The cluster of female disciples surrounding Song Jia instinctively shifted their attention towards the source of the outcry - Ji Wuye.


Silk robes swirling, they coalesced into a defensive ring around the slender young man, their lithe forms offering sanctuary as if he were a delicate treasure to be shielded.


This protective display by the sisterhood drew disdainful sneers from the male disciples observing nearby, their faces contorting with frustration at such a perceived imbalance.


Even the imposing Wu Gao, garnet eyes narrowing to slits beneath his furrowed brow, found his lips curling into a derisive smirk at the spectacle unfolding before him.


Qin Bai, however, maintained an inscrutable expression, seemingly unfazed by the growing chaos. His keen senses detected movement within the guarded inner circle - the unmistakable glint of intense crimson irises peering out defiantly through a gap in the sisterly barricade.


"If you're a man, Ji Wuye, don't hide behind women!" The mocking jeer erupted from Qin Bai's subordinates as they hurled taunts with callous glee, deliberately goading the male disciples into confrontation.


Scathing laughter, coarse and mocking, joined the fracas.


"What a coward! Step up and face the challenge, Junior!" The derisive jeers rained down in a torrent of scorn.


"Ji Wuye... the flower of Kunlun sect... what an apt nickname. Flowers are delicate, just like his hands. I doubt he's ever held a jian properly!" They spared no venom in their insults, voices dripping with cruel mockery.


The Sisters shielding Ji Wuye bristled with anger at such shameless provocation, a tempest of fury swirling in their eyes.


One particularly zealous defender, fingers wrapped gently yet firmly around Ji Wuye's slender wrist as if cradling spun glass, shouted in outrage.


"Such shameless behavior! You know Brother Ji is the wea- I mean not yet matured, yet you still challenge him?" Indignation burned hot in her words.


Another joined her rallying cry, protective instincts flaring, "Not only that, Qin Bai is a 2nd realm martial artist, while Brother Ji is only 1st realm. Is that fair to all of you?" Her eyes flashed dangerously as she exposed the injustice.


"You probably just wanted to take out your frustration from losing to Sister Song on Brother Ji!" They accused their tormentors, defensive solidarity palpable.


While the chaos swirled, Song Jia, Lian Ruogang and Wu Gao remained curiously silent observers, eyes locked intently upon the figure of Ji Wuye amidst the maelstrom surrounding him.


In an unexpected turn, the Sister grasping Ji Wuye's wrist felt her fingers suddenly enveloped by a firm yet gentle grip. Startled, she twisted back to find herself meeting an intense crimson gaze, instantly entranced by the ethereal voice that caressed her senses.


"Big Sister, I truly appreciate all of you for defending me, but the people are right," Ji Wuye's words carried a soft, soothing timbre as he gently disentangled her hand from his wrist.


As his gaze lowered to meet her blushing face, a warm, sincere smile graced his lips - not mocking in the slightest but filled with tender affection to ease her worries.


The young woman's heart raced as heat bloomed across her cheeks, crimson blossoming brighter with each passing heartbeat under his radiant attention.


"However, as a man and a martial artist, dignity is of utmost importance, so Sisters..." Ji Wuye's request was uttered politely yet resonated with quiet strength, that same disarming smile never wavering, diffusing hostility through sheer warmth and understanding.


Ji Wuye's poised response in the face of such unrestrained provocation drew murmurs of admiration from onlookers.


The surrounding Sisters visibly swayed, utterly captivated by the unexpected charisma and inner resilience lying just beneath his tender demeanor.


"I-I understand, Junior!" One disciple stammered, already falling under the spell of his quiet charm. The remaining Sisters, blushes staining their cheeks, seemed to drift into a dreamy reverie sparked by the vision of masculine grace before them.


From her vantage point, Lian Ruogang let out an audible tsk, rolling her eyes as a faint smile played across her lips. "What a player," she remarked wryly under her breath.


A hush descended over the gathered crowd as all watched Ji Wuye approach not Qin Bai but the imposing Wu Gao instead, cupping his hands in a deferential gesture.


"Senior Brother Wu, please..." The earnestness in Ji Wuye's entreating voice hung in the courtyard air like a resonant bell chime.


Wu Gao's furrowed brow softened as he regarded the younger man, raising a broad hand to pat his shoulder firmly.


"Hmm...that's the Brother I know!" His gruff words carried an unmistakable note of pride as he turned his steely gaze out towards the assembled disciples. "Once again, I must remind both of you, killing is not allowed in this spar."


The crowd parted ways like a sea of silk, clearing a wide circular space at the center of the training courtyard and allowing Ji Wuye and Qin Bai to take their places upon this makeshift stage.


Ji Wuye's expression was one of solemn determination, a stark contrast to the mocking smirk already twisting Qin Bai's lips.


"Heh, Brother Ji, how's your training?" Qin Bai inquired in a tone laced with undisguised condescension. He tilted his head back, eyes narrowing as he looked down his nose at this flower of Kunlun with patent disdain.


Rather than bristling at the insult, Ji Wuye's face transformed, the solemn mask shattering as a playful smirk blossomed across his features.


"Thanks to your interference, Brother Qin, Senior Sister is quite upset that I arrived late," he countered with a light, teasing cadence.


The arrogant Qin Bai flinched almost imperceptibly at the retort, eyes flickering towards Lian Ruogang's figure observing from the sidelines. Relief visibly washed over him as he registered her impassive, indifferent expression.


"Well then, let's see what a 'flower boy' can do," Qin Bai sneered, his mocking words dripping with disdain as he and Ji Wuye each retrieved one of the wooden practice swords proffered by Wu Gao.


"Begin!" Wu Gao's gruff bellow signaled the start of the match.


As the two combatants launched into their opening stances, a collective inhalation of shock rippled through the gathered crowd. Widened eyes focused in rapt astonishment on the spectacle unfolding before them.


A subtle warmth seemed to permeate the air, causing the fine hairs on exposed skin to rise with a subtle tingling sensation.


This was the unmistakable manifestation of Qin Bai's strange display of ability, surprisingly instead from his wooden sword, his Qi being forcibly manipulated and projected outward. The confident young man's face split into a mocking grin as he reveled in flexing his power.


"Hahaha, let's see if you can withstand this, hahaha!" Peals of arrogant laughter erupted from Qin Bai's lips, the sound so jarring and out of place that even Wu Gao and Lian Ruogang creased their brows in disapproving frowns.

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