Chapter 24


In the abandoned courtyard, overgrown with weeds and vines creeping up the crumbling stone walls, Ji Wuye squinted against the glare of the setting sun.


His crimson eyes carefully appraised Song Jia, lingering on the confident set of her jawline. He crossed his arms over his chest, the taut muscles in his forearms betraying his intense focus as he studied her stance. Finally, he turned his head away, gaze drawn to the fiery crimson hues streaking across the evening sky.


"I refuse," he stated flatly, the words clipped and decisive.


He started to turn away, preparing to enter the living quarters. But Song Jia wasn't about to let him off so easily. Her delicate brows furrowed into a petulant pout as she quickly blocked his path.


"Why?" she demanded, planting her feet squarely on the wooden deck. "Are you afraid? Or is it because I'm one realm higher than you?" She taunted him with a challenging gleam in her eyes. "Fine, I'll hold back!"


Before Ji Wuye could react, Song Jia grabbed a fistful of his martial robe and yanked him towards her, leaping up to throw her arms around his neck.


Her lithe body pressed against his as she stared up at him insistently, demanding an explanation with those fierce eyes of hers.


Observing her demanding state, the pout on those full lips, the spark of competitive fire within her gaze, Ji Wuye couldn't help an inward chuckle. 'Ah yes, this is just how she is.'


Those looks and eyes were hungry for challenge; she didn't even mind her position as a woman right now.


Based on his knowledge in the previous timeline, Song Jia, unlike the more reserved and elegant Mu Lan Rou, was an unabashed training maniac - clearly influenced by her demanding Master.


While the other sect geniuses postured with arrogant pride, rarely deigning to challenge each other without gravest provocation, Song Jia thrived on battle.


She grew stronger through constant clashes, eventually reaching the point where she was on par with even Du Chen at his peak. Her meteoric rise had earned her the nickname 'Dark Horse of the Wind' among the younger generation.


Ji Wuye pondered quietly, glancing between the vivid sunset painting the sky in brilliant hues and Song Jia, looking so utterly desperate to goad him into a fight that she would likely pester him incessantly until he agreed.


'Well, there are actually many benefits to sparring with her instead of just observing,' he mused, recalling the unique and formidable sword art that made her so superior among her peers.


However, they were standing in the hallowed Kunlun sect, and Song Jia was still keeping her true martial art tightly under wraps here.


If his memory served, at this point in the timeline she remained outwardly curious and eager to learn the Kunlun sword art.


The corner of Ji Wuye's lips curled upwards in a playful smirk as his gaze returned to Song Jia's fiery expression.


"What benefits do I get from wasting my time with meaningless sparring instead of preparing for the upcoming Tower challenge?" He knew full well his honeyed mask of kindness had slipped in that moment, shamelessly revealing his intent to take advantage of her.


Contrary to his expectations, instead of looking troubled by his transparently question, the desperate, pleading look in Song Jia's eyes suddenly vanished.


In its place, a sly, self-satisfied smile bloomed as if she had been anticipating and preparing for just such an opportunity.


"Hmm, how about some insight into the Kunlun sword art?" she purred silkily.


"As a second realm martial artist and a dedicated disciple who trains rigorously with the sword every single day..." She paused, grinning impishly. "Well, let's just say I may have gleaned a few pointers I'd be happy to share. How about that?"


'Pointers, huh?' Ji Wuye could practically smell the scheme she was concocting. 'Well, having her assistance isn't the worst idea, but I don't need that,' he pondered inwardly.


"Rather than that, let's just say you'll owe me a favor," he replied smoothly, his mind already plotting how to leverage this situation to his advantage in the upcoming events.


'If I can acquire that sword art through this spar, it may spare me from having to scheme.' He thought inwardly.


Meanwhile, Ji Wuye's nonchalant words visibly caused Song Jia's playful smirk to freeze. The bravado drained from her expression, leaving her features stiff and solemn as the weight ofhis statement sank in.


Slowly, carefully, she brought her hands together in a formal cupped gesture, holding them at chest level as she met Ji Wuye's piercing stare.


"You have my promise," she stated simply, all levity gone from her tone.


For a martial artist, owing a favor was no trivial matter. It was a debt of honor, of one's spiritual essence. Left unfulfilled, such a debt could become a grievous hindrance to breaking through to higher realms or achieving true enlightenment.


Ji Wuye held no such concerns over her vow. A martial artist's word, once given so formally, was as inviolable as an unbreakable contract. It bound her to him for life if need be.


Song Jia held his gaze firmly. "But in return..." She paused, dark brows creasing in consternation as memories of Ji Wuye's earlier clash with Qin Bai surfaced in her mind's eye. "Show me your real strength. No more holding back."


Ji Wuye held Song Jia's intense gaze steadily as she scrutinized him. "The way you stumbled earlier," she began slowly, eyes narrowing.


"Your right leg muscle tensed first instead of your left, as if you'd predicted the move beforehand." She shook her head slightly.


"And when you accidentally pointed out the center of Qin Bai's foreign magical art...I sensed a faint flicker of Qi emanating from your Lower Dantians region."


A look of certainty settled over her delicate features. "It's too obvious you were holding back your true abilities."


As Song Jia methodically pointed out the flaws and hints that had given away his deception, Ji Wuye didn't look the least bit shocked or caught off guard.


Instead, a low chuckle rumbled up from his chest as he inwardly laughed at her perception.


'Well, she is his disciple after all. There's no way I could fully hide my level from her piercing gaze,' he admitted to himself, knowing full well that the bluff which could fool even an Elder or Inner Disciple would never work on Song Jia.


Song Jia held his gaze firmly, her eyes burning with resolve. "I know it wasn't just a coincidence that you slipped up like that," she stated plainly.


"I don't know why you're hiding your real strength, but I promise not to reveal your secret." She paused, giving a slight shake of her head. "What I want now is simply to improve myself."


Her words rang with sincerity and the focused intensity of one truly dedicated to the martial path. Seeing the familiar fire in her eyes, the fervent desire to constantly hone her skills, Ji Wuye couldn't help the satisfied smile that quirked his lips.


'Ah yes, that's the Song Jia I knew,' he thought fondly.


In addition to her fighting maniac trait, despite the cutthroat competition between the great sects and their geniuses, despite the clashing ideologies and selfish ambitions that so often put them at cross-purposes, Song Jia remained steadfastly unmoved by such trivial concerns.


She didn't indulge in scheming or assassinations, never stooped to tarnishing a rival's reputation through slanderous words or underhanded actions. Her only obsession was the pursuit of greater martial prowess.


"So be it," Ji Wuye replied evenly, sensing that events were unfolding in his favor. A sly grin spread across his features as he added, "But in that case...I hope you can also enlighten me with insights into the legendary sword art of the fabled WindBlade Emperor."


The hopeful smile instantly froze on Song Jia's lips as her eyes went wide with shock and disbelief. She stared at Ji Wuye, rendered momentarily speechless by his surprising request.

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