Chapter 29


"A noble!" The area erupted in a chorus of shouts and exclamations of joy.


"My lord…!" One panicked villager's voice rang out, their tone a mix of awe and trepidation.


"Greetings, my lord!" The same villager instantly calmed, bowing deeply with their head lowered in deference as the realization sank in. Their body language shifted from frantic to serene, the tension melting away in the presence of apparent nobility.


Clad in gleaming steel armor that caught the moonlight, the man strode forward without a helmet, his regal bearing exuding the elegance befitting one from the royal halls of the emperor himself.


Even without the formal introductions, it was clear to the villager that this was indeed Belev Averial of the prestigious Averial houses - a name and face seared into the Ji Wuye's memory from the previous timeline.


Ji Wuye's gaze studied the noble figure, a nostalgic pang tugging at his heart. 'Hmmm...a Averial house, huh? How nostalgic to hear those words again...'


Unlike the societal structure of Jianghu, where economic power rested primarily with the Emperor and a handful of influential clans, Ji Wuye recalled from his past memories how the noble houses played a similar commanding role in this realm.


'But they had various ranks and were fiercely competitive.' He mused, recollecting the intricate hierarchies and bitter rivalries that simmered beneath the surface of noble society.


In his view, these prestigious houses were akin to the sects and schools of his world - each vying for dominance, commissions, and the territories they were entrusted to guard.


Ji Wuye's brow furrowed slightly, not out of disdain for Belev Averial's proud demeanor or disregard for the villager's bow, but due to the complete suit of chain mail armor enveloping the noble's body.


The metallic scales clinked faintly with each movement, glinting like miniature scales.


'What's the point of wearing armor and becoming a swordsman if they don't plan to get hit?' He shook his head, the ghost of a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he studied the impractical garb through the lens of his martial experience.


"Rest assured, people. I am a hero sent to rescue you in this world. I will lead and defend this village with my utmost support," Belev Averial spoke with confidence, his rich baritone voice carrying clearly across the hushed gathering.


His words brought tears of relief and gratitude to the villagers' eyes, their expressions a mix of wonder and unbridled hope at this miraculous turn of events.


"Thank you, thank you, my lord!" Several voices cried out in fervent thanks, the villagers hardly daring to believe their good fortune.


"You are truly a hero!" Another exclaimed, eyes shining with admiration as they gazed upon their promised savior.


It was indeed uncommon for one of noble birth to extend protection to common folk, as the upper echelons typically avoided entanglements with those beneath their exalted station.


Yet in that moment, the villagers didn't seem to question the sudden appearance of the noble Belev Averial, Ji Wuye, or the peculiar arrival of the elf lady with her distinctly long, pointed ears.


An air of nonchalance hung over the gathering, as if they were accustomed to such unexpected arrivals gracing their humble village.


"Before we proceed, let's assess the situation," Belev Averial suggested, his bright blue eyes scanning each villager's face intently before fixing his gaze on the distant figure of the elf lady.


"My lord, we are a small village called Kellan, situated precariously on the border between the vast Sabia Empire and the Grividour Kingdom," one villager began, clearing their throat nervously before continuing.


"Prior to this incident..."




The villager then narrated their plight from beginning to harrowing end. In hushed tones, they spoke of how their once peaceful lives were abruptly thrust into turmoil - a battle they never could have anticipated.


Strange, grotesque creatures had emerged as if from nowhere, wreaking havoc and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Rumors spread like wildfire of these merciless monsters razing entire villages to the ground without mercy.


As a result, every village, town, and city in the region remained vigilant and on high alert, the inhabitants gripped by a perpetual undercurrent of fear.


Unfortunately, it was now their small village's turn to face the brunt of this monstrous horde as the creatures invaded their territory with seeming inevitability.


Based on the patterns of attack, it was evident the monsters intended to cut a swath of destruction all the way to the capital itself.


However, the village of Kellan stood squarely in their path, becoming an unintended yet vital line of defense against the encroaching threat.


As the villagers continued recounting the harrowing tale, Belev Averial fought to suppress a jaw-cracking yawn of boredom.


Protecting this village was essential for completing the challenge, but sitting idly by and listening to the peasants drone on threatened to dull his senses. Every word they uttered felt like a dull knife piercing his brain.


He tried his best to appear outwardly interested, nodding at intervals and furrowing his brow to conceal the frustration simmering within. But their simple stories and concerns only served to enrage him internally.


'Why must I be subjected to listening to these lowly peasants?' he thought derisively, lip curling in thinly-veiled disdain. 'They will never comprehend the privileged life of nobility.'


Failure to defend the village would undoubtedly lead to his demise - a concern weighing heavily on his mind.


However, not paying careful attention to gleaning every crucial detail of the story and understanding the treacherous terrain would prove just as deadly a prospect in the upcoming battle against the encroaching monstrosities.


With no choice but to feign interest, Belev Averial forced a tight smile and continued listening to the villagers recount their plight, if only for the sake of preserving his own life.


He settled himself on a rough-hewn bench provided by the village, back ramrod straight and jaw clenched.


Yet despite his best efforts, his hazy eyes began to wander, gaze drifting toward the woman standing apart from the gathered crowd. Even from a distance, her lithe figure and elegant poise caught his attention.


'She's beautiful, perhaps a noble herself?' he mused inwardly, eyes lingering appreciatively on the curves of her form before noticing the unmistakable elongated points of her ears protruding through her tresses.


'Long ears...I wonder which noble bloodline runs through her veins?' Curiosity flickered within him as he studied her exotic features, trying to place her lineage.


However, his wandering attention was quickly diverted when he noticed the peculiarly dressed young man standing opposite her.


Belev's eyebrows furrowed as he examined the stranger's attire, body tensing imperceptibly. The young man wore flowing robes reminiscent of those infuriatingly arrogant mages Belev had encountered before.


Yet instead of a traditional pointed hat, a strange swordhung across the young man's back in its stead.


'What is this? Is he some kind of priest or perhaps a paladin?' Belev clicked his tongue in annoyance, unable to immediately categorize the man based on his eccentric garb. He couldn't help but notice how perfectly otherworldly the stranger's appearance was.


With a chiseled jaw, perfectly proportioned nose as if sculpted by the gods themselves, and long white hair flowing past his shoulders in a manner that lent him an air of wisdom beyond his years, Belev begrudgingly acknowledged that this young man could have been a perfect fit for the nobility - had he chosen to dress more appropriately for his station.


In that moment, the object of Belev's scrutiny looked up, cradling the unusual sword before him.


Their gazes met across the distance, crimson eyes locking with Belev's bright blue ones. Belev noted with surprise the rarity of the young man's eye color for a commoner.


But what truly caught the noble's attention was the stranger's brazen reaction, or lack thereof. Instead of averting his gaze in deference as was customary for a commoner encountering one of noble blood, the young man calmly held Belev's stare for a beat.


Then, with nonchalant disregard for Belev's presence, he turned and walked away without a second glance.


The blatant lack of respect grated against Belev's sensibilities. His jaw clenched as he fought the urge to call out and rebuke the audacious stranger for his insolence.


Clearly this man, whoever he was, had no understanding of the proper decorum.


Belev's indignation at the commoner's blatant disrespect swelled within him like a raging tempest. 'How dare this lowly commoner look at me like that!' he grumbled inwardly, anger coloring his cheeks as he prepared to call out and properly rebuke the audacious stranger.


However, before the scathing words could leave his lips, a shimmering transparent screen abruptly materialized before his eyes, the strange occurrence giving him pause.


[!] Time's up! The trial will now commence!

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