Chapter 44


Ji Wuye shot a disdainful glance at Song Jia, his eyes narrowing with contempt as the corners of his mouth curled into a mocking sneer. "Sister Song, it seems you've forgotten your last lesson," he taunted, his deep voice dripping with condescension.


Song Jia squinted at him, momentarily taken aback by his arrogant demeanor. Memories of the day she lost a sparring match to him came flooding back, the sting of defeat still fresh in her mind.


She could almost feel the impact of his strikes, the way his fists cut through the air with precision. A flush of embarrassment crept up her neck as she averted her challenging gaze, unable to meet his piercing eyes.


Lian Rougang, sensing the tension between her juniors, joined the conversation with a quizzical expression. "Hmm? What lesson?" she asked, eyeing her Junior Sister suspiciously, her brows furrowed with concern.


Ji Wuye interrupted impatiently, eager to move things along. "Let's not waste any more time. Senior Sister Lian, please come with me inside," he stated firmly, turning around to lead the way.


As he pivoted, he caught a glimpse of Song Jia regaining her composure, her fists clenched at her sides and her jaw set in determination. He could see the defiant fire reigniting in her eyes.


"And Sister Song, gather some pebbles from the creek and find clean clothes if possible," Ji Wuye added hastily, striding towards the room without a backward glance.


Lian Rougang and Song Jia stared at the door briefly, the heavy wooden panels swinging shut behind him with a dull thud. It was then that Lian Rougang's odd behavior caught Song Jia's attention.


Her Senior Sister fidgeted nervously, wringing her hands as her gaze remained fixed on the door with a hazy, unfocused stare. The scent of jasmine wafted from her hair.


Concerned by her Senior Sister's uncharacteristic demeanor, Song Jia gently shook Lian Rougang's shoulder, but she seemed to be in a daze, lost in her own thoughts.


"Senior Sister, are you okay with this?!" Song Jia's tone grew slightly raised, tinged with worry as she studied her Senior Sister's face. Lian Rougang turned to look at her with glassy, unfocused eyes, as if she had just awoken from a trance.


"Well... just do what Junior Ji told you," her Senior Sister replied meekly, her voice barely above a whisper as she avoided eye contact, her gaze once again fixated on the door.


Song Jia noticed a faint blush coloring her Senior Sister's cheeks, a rosy hue that seemed out of place on her usually composed features.


'Bewitched! Senior Sister has been bewitched!' Song Jia's eyes widened with realization as she observed her Senior Sister's strange behavior, her body language and mannerisms so unlike her usual self.


Despite trying to rationalize it as a misunderstanding, her suspicions of her fellow Martial Brother grew stronger with each passing moment.


Left with no choice but to investigate further, Song Jia firmly grabbed her Senior Sister's wrist, forcing her to focus on her.


"Please wait for me; don't enter the room without me," she urged, her voice laced with determination as she met Lian Rougang's vacant stare with unwavering resolve.


As she spoke, Ji Wuye's voice echoed from inside the room, his tone smooth and persuasive. "Senior Sister Lian? Why don't you enter the room while waiting for Sister Song to fetch some pebbles?"


To Song Jia's shock and dismay, her Senior Sister, whom she had just reminded to wait, continued walking towards the door with a simple "enn" in response, leaving her speechless.


Instinctively, Song Jia moved to intercept her, tightly grasping her Senior Sister's wrist and forcefully halting her progress. "Senior Sister, you can't!" she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.


But the cold and indifferent gazes directed at her from her Senior Sister made Song Jia's heart sink. Lian Rougang's once kind expression distorted as the corner of her mouth twitched, her features hardening into a mask of annoyance.


"Junior Sister Song, you have crossed the boundary," her Senior Sister spoke calmly, but Song Jia could sense great annoyance underlying her tone, like the rumble of distant thunder.


Letting go of her hands, Song Jia lowered her head and listened to her Senior Sister's reprimand, her shoulders slumped in defeat.


"I'm your senior, and your previous behavior has already tested my patience. I'm a grown woman; do you think I'm a fool?" Lian Rougang placed her hands on her hips, narrowing her eyes at Song Jia for a moment before sighing heavily.


"Sigh... this is not like me... go, get what Junior Ji told you, and I'll forgive you this time." Lian Rougang massaged her forehead wearily, shaking her head as if to clear her thoughts before speaking again.


Without waiting for a response, she turned around and walked towards the door.


On the other hand, as Song Jia raised her head to watch her Senior Sister's back disappearing through the doorway, her smile stiffened, and her gaze became filled with complexity.


A myriad of emotions swirled within her – confusion, guilt, and a lingering sense of unease.


"Could I have been too hasty in my judgment of Brother Ji?" she thought guiltily, biting her lip. Recalling their previous sparring matches, he had always shown nothing but courtesy and respect, even in the heat of battle.


The truth struck her like a bolt of lightning – in all their interactions, he had given her no real cause for suspicion.


"I've been terribly disrespectful," she realized with a sinking heart, her cheeks flushing with shame. How could she face him again after treating him so poorly, allowing her doubts to cloud her judgment?


How could she ask for his help to refine her skills now? She desperately needed someone with the same level of skill as him to truly enhance her understanding of her Master's profound sword art.


Only Ji Wuye could replicate the intricate movements and techniques, providing a fresh perspective compared to her usual solitary practice.


She had long recognized this need, even after shockingly managing to execute the second movement, Rising Gale.


Yet... shame now colored her cheeks a deep crimson as she acknowledged her grave mistakes. If only she could retract her harsh words and unfounded suspicions... But would he even accept her apology after her unjust behavior towards him?


"Sigh!" The sound escaped her lips, laced with regret and self-reproach. It seemed her Master's words about the deceptive nature of men were a double-edged sword, clouding her judgment and causing her to wrongly doubt Ji Wuye's intentions.

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