Chapter 66


Meanwhile, Ji Wuye found himself perplexed as his gaze fixated on the figure standing before him.


She stood at an impressive height of 6 Chi, granting her a commanding view over the surrounding fields of standing grain crops, such as rice. Adorned in meticulously tailored azure robes, accentuated with dark yellow stripes, she emanated an air of regality.


Her skin, akin to porcelain, bore a flawless texture, devoid of any hint of a wrinkle, especially in the region of her forehead and around her eyes. A cascade of long, dark silver hair flowed in gleaming waves down her back, creating an ethereal effect.


Holding a long-stemmed pipe between her full, crimson lips, she exuded an intoxicating honeycomb scent. Balanced gracefully on one foot, she accentuated her slender waist, projecting an aura of elegance that captivated all who beheld her.


A subtle smile adorned her features as she directed her gaze towards Ji Wuye. Greeting him with a mere flick of her fingers, the resulting sound resonated through the surroundings.


"Snap out of it," she giggled, her laughter carrying the enchanting melody reminiscent of a fairy. Despite her mature and elegant demeanor, she surpassed the allure of Mu Lan Rou, Lian Rougang, and Song Jia.


However, Ji Wuye, though not entranced solely by her beauty, found himself in a daze, realization dawning that she was the one...


"Greetings, Elder Qiao," he uttered, cupping both hands and bowing his head respectfully. A myriad of questions swirled within his mind.


"Fufu, that's kind of you, Little Brother Ji," responded Elder Qiao, also known as Qiao Xiulan, holding the esteemed position of an Elder within the Kunlun Sect. Despite her youthful appearance, hinting at a woman in her thirties, she held the esteemed position of Elder in Kunlun, a testament to her exceptional influence.


"Now, before we commence, shall we seek out a suitable locale for our conversation?" she proposed, the long-stemmed pipe still nestled between her lips, wafting smoke gently into Ji Wuye's face as he raised his head.


"Of course, Elder Qiao. Please lead the way," Ji Wuye responded, his attention drawn to the two Inner Disciples donned in martial robes with elegant dark purple stripes. Both females, they accompanied Elder Qiao with unwavering focus, positioned on either side, creating an aura of martial prowess.


'This is going to be trouble,' Ji Wuye mused inwardly as he followed behind Elder Qiao, who moved with the confident grace of a peacock. A reflexive hand to his forehead couldn't stave off the growing sense of foreboding.



Moments later, the afternoon sun dipped below the horizon, casting a veil of darkness over the once azure sky, revealing a celestial tapestry of twinkling stars.


By the Kunlun Mountain creek, where stone tables and chairs were casually scattered, Ji Wuye and Elder Qiao found themselves seated across from each other.


"Just to confirm, do you know who I am, Little Brother?" Elder Qiao asked casually, crossing one leg over the other. Despite her seemingly relaxed demeanor, her focused gaze betrayed an undercurrent of seriousness.


"Of course, this disciple is well aware. Elder Qiao is responsible for handling foreign matters, such as envoys and attending to various agendas, representing the Kunlun Sect," Ji Wuye replied calmly, effortlessly reciting the information. His words elicited a giggle from Elder Qiao, her hand delicately covering her mouth.


"You have a silver tongue, just as the rumors say."


"I am honored by your praise."


Indeed, this was the public image of Elder Qiao. However, beneath her elegant facade and alluring tone, she was known as the Mist Maiden of Kunlun.


Her enemies often found themselves unwittingly ensnared in her traps, much like wandering lost in a mist that led them astray, forever trapped in a perplexing puzzle.


'Just like now,' Ji Wuye contemplated silently.


As per the historical timeline, it should have been 'him' who, based solely on his handsome looks, managed to win over the other Elders and coerce Ji Wuye into a two-year agreement.


As for the enigma surrounding why 'he' expressed such keen interest in hastening the union between Ji Wuye and the brilliant Mu Lan Rou, it remained a mystery to all. Even Ji Wuye himself had been grappling with confusion over the matter until this very moment.


To be clear, 'he' wasn't Mu Lan Rou's father, yet his authority surpassed even that of Mu Lan Rou's paternal figure when it came to crucial decisions, including matters concerning his own daughter.


Following the established timeline, 'his' fascination with Ji Wuye should have waned a year later. However, it became evident that it was Elder Qiao who had been the driving force behind these machinations.


Thus, instead of being promised to Mu Lan Rou, the current agreement dictated that Ji Wuye would marry a random lady from the Lian family.


"Let's cut to the chase, so there's no room for confusion," Elder Qiao interjected, disrupting Ji Wuye's tumultuous thoughts.


"Yes, I'm the one who suggested prolonging your tenure in the Sect," she disclosed, her attention gracefully divided between Ji Wuye and the long-stemmed pipe she leisurely sipped from, as if awaiting his response.


Ji Wuye maintained his silence. Though a myriad of questions regarding her motives swirled within him, he chose a singular inquiry, "May I ask why?"


"It's simple, because I like you," Elder Qiao responded, once again blowing smoke into his face. Her beguiling smile and inquisitive gaze remained fixed on Ji Wuye's startled eyes.


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