Chapter 76


"Due to the complex temporary enhancement, I can't properly execute any martial moves," he murmured, shaking his head.


His words carried a hint of resignation, acknowledging that the side effects of such a potent acupressure boost, while necessary at his current novice level, would inevitably limit his capabilities.


Without further delay, Ji Wuye bound his long, white hair into a practical ponytail. He then leaned his body against the neatly arranged logs, his hands reaching out to nudge the massive boulder, coaxing it onto his back.


"Ha!" With a guttural shout, the boulder fell heavily upon Ji Wuye's shoulders, forcing him to bend under its immense weight.


Yet, to his surprise, the burden that had nearly caused him to faint during his previous attempts now seemed manageable – a testament to his upgraded stats and newfound realm of power.


"But it's still a little too heavy," he grunted, his body shifting as he slowly lowered himself into a squat.




The count emerged without struggle, his tone nonchalant as he manipulated his Qi, channeling it through his Twelve Meridians and accumulating it within his Lower Dantian.


The surrounding Qi seemed to be greedily drawn in, refined and concentrated with each measured exhale.


"2...3...4..." The counts continued, each number punctuated by the steady rhythm of his breathing as the refined Qi dispersed and amplified, the sheer volume far surpassing his previous attempts.


This training, he reminded himself, was paramount for improving his stamina and Qi control – each act of manipulation, each concentration of energy into specific body parts or objects, was a vital step in his progression.


"5..." As he reached the fifth count, Ji Wuye could feel his muscles, his tendons, becoming enchanted – strengthened by the potent combination of the Elixir and his earlier acupressure massage.


A smile tugged at his lips as he continued the grueling squat, his count rising steadily until...


Droplets of sweat began to bead upon the ground, drenching the fabric of his flowing martial robe with its aqua stripes, clinging to the toned, well-built physique that had been concealed beneath the "flower boy" visage.


His sharp, crimson eyes narrowed with exertion, his heavy breaths only serving to accentuate the rugged handsomeness of his features.




More than ten minutes had elapsed, and had any of the fanatical, maniacal Wudan disciples born witness to Ji Wuye's endurance, they would have surely shouted at him to cease – for past the ten-minute mark, no matter the count, the relentless strain would inevitably lead to torn muscles and injury.


Yet, for Ji Wuye, such obstacles had been rendered obsolete – the Pressure Form Perfection Style, combined with the lingering effects of the Elixir of Growth, had removed the boundaries that had previously constrained his training.


"501..." It was only after this final count that Ji Wuye felt his body screaming for respite, the ominous sensation of his Achilles tendon threatening to snap finally penetrating the haze of his determination.




The boulder dropped heavily to the ground, the impact so forceful that it caused the very rock to crack and fracture, unable to withstand the sheer force.


Ji Wuye could only stare in disbelief at the shattered remains. "What a fragile body," he muttered.


In that same moment, he felt the effects of the Elixir finally wane, the two-hour duration having reached its limit. The legs that had remained steadfast now wobbled precariously, and the body that had endured mere fatigue now winced with acute pain.


"So this is the effect once it wears off," Ji Wuye muttered, lowering himself into a cross-legged meditation pose.


As he prepared to channel his Qi, however, the energy dissipated uselessly into the surrounding air. Realization dawned upon him then.


"Ah, I can't control the Qi." The disappointment in his voice was palpable – a consequence of the Pressure Form Perfection Style that he had previously acknowledged.


With no other recourse, Ji Wuye began anew, his fingers seeking out the same points upon his body, gradually re-establishing his connection with the ambient Qi while a transparent screen flickered into existence before him.



[->] Name: Ji Wuye

[->] Level: 15

[->] Strength: 67

[->] Agility: 61

[->] Qi: 61

[*] Skills:

- Quick Adaptation(E)

- Healing Art Primer(1st)(E)

- Cloudsoaring Steps(2nd)(E)

- Pulse of Blade Sword Art(1st)(??)

- Deflecting Blows(E)

- Pressure Form Perfection Style(D)

- Feline Reflexes(E)

- Slash Breaker (E)

- Qi Training(???)


Ji Wuye's gaze settled upon the flickering transparent screen, his eyes widening as he took in the revelations displayed before him.


"Well... that's a huge leap," he remarked, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth as he surveyed the increased values of his Qi and Strength attributes – both had soared by an impressive margin of +5 points, finally equalizing his Qi with his Agility.


The sheer magnitude of the elixir's effects was staggering, prompting a bout of incredulous laughter to rumble from deep within Ji Wuye's chest.


For several minutes, his rich chuckles echoed through the abandoned courtyard, a visceral reaction to the remarkable, almost ridiculous, potency of the concoction he had consumed.


Eventually, his mirth subsided, and Ji Wuye focused his efforts on regaining control of his Qi, channeling the healing Qi from the Healing Art Primer.


Gradually, the aches and strains that had wracked his body dissipated, and he found himself able to stand once more, his gaze sweeping over the courtyard before settling upon the weathered doorway.


The sun's warm rays still bathed the area in a gentle glow, accompanied by the melodious chorus of birdsong intermingling with the soothing patter of water droplets – remnants of his earlier exertions.


Morning had not yet surrendered to the full light of day.


"Let's check out the situation right now,"


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