Chapter 97


The velvety night gradually surrendered to the gentle caress of dawn. Unexpectedly, Ji Wuye found himself watching the rain trickle down in glistening rivulets, the droplets catching the pale moonlight like tiny diamonds scattered across the Jianghu.


The inky blanket of darkness reluctantly retreated as the first rays of sun peeked over the horizon. The croaking chorus of frogs faded into the hushed background.


The abandoned courtyard was perfumed with the crisp, earthy scent of morning dew clinging to recently watered grass. The tension hung heavy in the air, broken only by the sound of nervous footfalls and the raggedness of uncertain breathing.


A petite figure materialized before Ji Wuye - Shen Bi, her delicate features illuminated by a radiant smile. She gazed tenderly at Ji Wuye's slumbering form, his back resting against the mossy courtyard wall.


"Thank you, Wuye'er," she whispered faintly, the words drifting on the still air before her slight figure melted away into the distance.


Moments passed in tranquil silence until Ji Wuye's eyelids fluttered, his breathing growing rougher as awareness returned to his senses.


His crimson eyes snapped open, alighting upon an emblem lying innocuously on the table before him.


The ancient Chinese text carved into its surface proclaimed 'Kunlun Thousand Pavilion.' An ethereal fragrance of plum blossoms wafted from the emblem, as if the person had only just set it there as a gift for him.


Ji Wuye's lips curved into a warm smile as he regarded the emblem. Slowly, he raised his gaze toward the courtyard's arched gate. "You don't need a reason to visit me, Senior Sister,"




The wind carried the crisp, cool whispers of early morning, mingling with the pleasant burbling of the nearby brook in a soothing melody. Along the winding cobblestone path, Ji Wuye strolled at his usual unhurried pace, allowing himself to bask in the serene natural surroundings.


Unlike the uneasy tensions of the past when the Tower actively put challengers through grueling trials, the once deserted stone bridge arching over the pebbly creek now hummed with the energy of disciples.


Their white martial robes with aqua stripes fluttered like pristine banners in the gentle breeze as they crossed to and fro.


"Ah, Brother Ji, good morning," one disciple called out warmly, having noticed Ji Wuye's approaching form from afar. An awkward yet genuine smile tugged at his lips as he offered a respectful cupped-hand salute in greeting.


The disciple's voice seemed to ignite a chain reaction amongst his peers. "Senior Brother Ji, good morning!" Echoing the salute, their voices overlapped in a jumbled chorus, all eyes fixed on Ji Wuye with unmistakable admiration.


An Outer Disciple even jogged over, his expression one of unrestrained excitement as he grinned broadly.


Taken aback by the unexpected torrent of acknowledgment, Ji Wuye's brow furrowed ever so slightly.


With measured movements, he returned the cupped-hand salute toward each of them in turn. "Greetings, Junior Brothers and fellow Martial Brothers," he replied, his rich baritone quiet yet carrying clearly across the distance between them.


The enthusiastic Outer Disciple seemed to vibrate with eager energy. "I'm glad to meet you now, Senior Brother Ji," he gushed, his words piquing Ji Wuye's curiosity further.


There was something odd, almost furtive about the way the other disciples watched him - their gazes alight not with the usual wariness, jealousy or disdain, but an overwhelming excitement that bordered on reverence.


'Is this the aftermath of me blocking Senior Brother Wu's attack?' The thought flickered through Ji Wuye's mind, only to be dismissed just as quickly.


Even deflecting his Senior Brother's strike had not garnered such a drastic shift in the disciples' attitudes toward him. Nor could he forget the fresh memory of most male disciples openly rejecting the sect's unfair treatment regarding the matters of his expulsion.


A flicker of suspicion took root as Ji Wuye studied their expressions more closely. "Brothers...are you perhaps mistaken about something? This Ji has never done any good except existing in this sect,"


He stated humbly, even as his sharp gaze caught the undercurrent of shyness, the awkwardness flickering across their faces like glimpses of hidden secrets.


The fact that not a single female disciple could be seen amongst the gathered throng only deepened Ji Wuye's wariness.


'How coincidental, are they perhaps going to gang up on me?' His eyes narrowed fractionally at the thought, the figures of Qin Bai and his brutish lackeys flashing unbidden through his mind.


'Come to think of it, that person didn't die, I believe...'


Just as the unspoken realization seemed to click into place, the male disciples exchanged furtive looks and mumbled something wholly unexpected under their breaths...


" the thing is like this..." The enthusiastic disciple began, shifting his weight nervously as all eyes turned to him.


With each word he uttered, explaining the circumstances, Ji Wuye's brow furrowed deeper, the polite smile slowly fading from his lips.


"So because of that, we would like to apologize and give our deepest gratitude to you, our savior! We owe you a tremendous favor!" The disciple's voice rang out, high and clear, as he finished his account.


Without hesitation, he bent deeply at the waist in a full bow, lowering his back until his body formed a rigid line pointing at Ji Wuye's feet.


Ji Wuye's gaze skated over the gathered disciples, who had previously been scattered but now congregated before him, filling the bridge and path.


In a rippling wave of movement, they followed suit - backs bent, heads bowed, offering the same reverent gesture of respect and gratitude.


So this was the reason for their exuberant greetings and the awestruck deference shining in their eyes - one of his Senior Sisters had spread word, explaining in detail the meaning behind the ambiguous warning Ji Wuye had issued.


That same cryptic caution he had relayed to Shen Bi and the other female disciples: 'Big not trust anyone...'


'Ah, so that's why they all looked less guilty...' The realization blossomed in Ji Wuye's mind, chasing away the wariness.


It made sense now why the atmosphere felt starkly different from the fraught tensions of the second assessment.


Elder Qiao's puzzling words, once so inscrutable, now clicked into place with sobering clarity. Yet despite his slightly elevated reputation, Ji Wuye felt no swell of happiness or satisfaction.


'It means they all know I was the one who spread that warning...which means...' His thoughts trailed off ominously, fixating on the original, unaltered timeline and the dangerous enemy he had fought so desperately to avoid.


A deep, weary sigh slipped from Ji Wuye's lips, shattering the reverent silence blanketing the gathered disciples. There were undoubtedly pros and cons to having his reputation bolstered by such intense scrutiny and attention.


"I appreciate and am willing to receive all of your apologies. We are family, there is no need to be so polite," he said at last, prompting the disciples to raise their heads. "But Brothers, may I know how many people are aware it was this Ji who gave the warning?"


The enthusiastic disciple was the first to respond, cupping his chin in thought. "As far as I know, only the Outer Disciples know of your kindness, Senior Brother..."


"Yes, that's right," another disciple chimed in. "The Official Disciples and Inner Disciples had been absent even before we were forced to enter the Tower for the fifth floor challenge, so only the Outer Disciples know about the warning."


A third added hesitantly, "But even so, only a minority are considering and remembering your warning, Senior Brother. Most of know...didn't believe it at all."


'Ah, that's good.' The tension bled from Ji Wuye's shoulders as he raised his hands, cupping them formally at chest level. "Then, may this Ji ask a small favor of all the Brothers here not to spread that this Ji gave the warning?"


His words hung in the air, leaving the disciples gaping at him in stunned confusion. Seeing Ji Wuye close his eyes serenely, cupping his hands, a hush fell over the group.


One disciple was the first to find his voice, a broad grin splitting his features. "This favor is too small to ask, Brother Ji! I can even keep this secret for eternity!" He punctuated his vow with an emphatic thumbs up.


Another spoke up solemnly, mirroring Ji Wuye's cupped hands. "So Brother Ji is actually treading loftily in the mundane world, unheard and unasked about. This Brother understands!"


Ji Wuye's gaze drifted over the gathered disciples, taking in their eager expressions and the palpable atmosphere of goodwill. A hearty laugh rang out from the back of the group.


"If Brother Ji needs a favor, just ask me. This Ma is ready to help!" The jovial disciple slapped his chest with an open palm, his broad smile infectious.


The others chimed in with rumbles of assent, solemn nods and grins promising to honor Ji Wuye's request without hesitation.


At this display of camaraderie and support, Ji Wuye felt the corners of his lips quirk upwards in a faint smile.


'It's not that bad...' he mused inwardly.


For a fleeting moment, he was transported back to the warmth and acceptance of his Seniors and Juniors in his past life, their gazes shining with the same affection and respect.


But the smile slowly bled away as Ji Wuye's eyes roamed over the Outer Disciples once more, their images wavering and blurring.


In their place flashed the horrors seared into his memories - the anguished screams, the broken bodies and glassy eyes staring forever into the void. Remnants of that terrible future he had fought with every fiber of his being to prevent.


'But, it's not yet...if more people know...they would just...' The thought trailed off, unfinished yet heavy with unspoken dread.


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