Chapter 117


The melodious chirping of birds echoed through the branches of the solitary tree standing in the abandoned courtyard, their joyful songs filling the air.


Fresh, invigorating breezes from the majestic Mount Kunlun wafted through, gently caressing the living quarters with a crisp, earthy scent.


In one of the rooms lay a young man with an exquisitely chiseled face, long white hair cascading like silk, and an ethereal aura befitting an otherworldly immortal.


The man was no one other than Ji Wuye. He slept peacefully, his chest rising and falling in a steady, natural rhythm. At that moment, his eyes twitched slightly, dark lashes fluttering open as his senses began to awaken to his surroundings.


The sweet, intoxicating fragrance of cherry blossoms and fresh jasmine assaulted his sense of smell, filling his lungs with their delicate perfume.


Despite lying on the hard, red-carpeted floor, it felt strangely soft and cushioned beneath him, as if resting on a plush featherbed.


As his vision gradually cleared, Ji Wuye expected to see the familiar cracked bamboo roof covered in a verdant blanket of moss.


Instead, his gaze was met by a woman with long, raven tresses framing her face and warm, curious eyes that crinkled at the corners with a kind, radiant smile – a smile that seemed to emanate sunlight itself.


"Good morning, Junior~," the woman greeted him, her gentle voice like melodic chimes as she revealed a glimpse of her white, pristine teeth.


Affection danced in her eyes, and a rosy blush tinged her cheeks as she regarded her beloved Junior with sisterly adoration. She was no one other than Lian Rougang.


"Good morning, Senior Sister," Ji Wuye thought, slightly taken aback not only by her unexpected presence but also by how he had actually slept on her thigh. However, he soon returned her warm smile, gradually sitting upright to find not only his Senior Sister but also many female disciples giggling softly, their eyes alight with amusement as they observed him.


"Good morning, Junior!"


"Good morning, Brother Ji!"


"Hehe, did you have a peaceful sleep?"


They greeted him one by one, their voices mingling together in a cheerful chorus that enveloped him in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Ji Wuye couldn't help but smile in response, basking in the jovial vibes surrounding him.


If the ominous Tower hadn't appeared, if that devastating attack hadn't shattered their sect, then perhaps moments like these could have remained forever etched into his memories.


But soon enough, the harsh reality resurfaced as he noticed some of them eyeing the stacked wooden boxes outside the living quarters, their gazes tinged with curiosity.


In that fleeting moment, Ji Wuye's mind snapped back to the present, the delusion of peace and tranquility dissipating like a wisp of smoke in the wind.


"I heard you're short on money... but what is this?" Lian Rougang asked, her warm eyes flickering with curiosity as they landed on the object behind Ji Wuye, or rather, the sizable cauldron that lay beside him on the floor.


"A cauldron? Did you perhaps want to make a pill?" She quirked an inquisitive brow, plump lips quirking upwards.


"Well... I wanted to conduct an experiment," Ji Wuye answered hesitantly, his gaze briefly darting to the gaggle of female disciples whose eyes had widened with piqued interest, glittering with unbridled curiosity now fixed solely on him.


"Ooh, what kind of experiment?" one disciple leaned forward eagerly. "With all those wooden boxes outside, it must be a big one!"


Another chimed in with enthusiasm, "Do you need any help? This Big Sister would be happy to assist!" The others nodded in agreement, their eyes shining with interest.


While the other girls buzzed with eager excitement, Lian Rougang's expression remained solemn, her delicate features etched with concern as her gaze flitted between Ji Wuye and the large, imposing cauldron behind him.


"Is it dangerous?" she asked, voice laced with unmistakable worry.


Neither his Senior Sister nor any of the female disciples inquired about how he had managed to purchase these items or transport so many things into the abandoned courtyard.


It seemed they inherently understood it was a topic better left undiscussed, even though some of them were the very same disciples he had spent time with yesterday, along with Qiu Xia.


"It's not dangerous," Ji Wuye reassured Lian Rougang, meeting her anxious gaze with a sincere look. Yet her expression remained etched with solemn concern.


"Then, do you need an Elder to supervise you? I can ask my father—"


"No, please don't, Senior Sister. I can handle this myself; it's not a big task," Ji Wuye quickly interjected, cutting off her offer with a subtle shake of his head.


Involving an Elder would be nothing short of a catastrophic joke, potentially shifting all unwanted attention onto him and causing significant, irreversible changes in this delicate timeline.


Even the unexpected arrival of these female disciples and his Senior Sister Lian, was already a stark deviation from the previous timeline Ji Wuye had experienced.


Suddenly the female disciple who had waited patiently for Ji Wuye the previous day furrowed her brow, eyeing the cluttered environment. "This space is quite messy. An organized area would be better for your experiment, don't you think?"


Before Ji Wuye could respond, the eager disciple chimed in. "You're right, Sister! Why don't we tidy up for Junior Ji?" She turned to the others with a bright smile. "This way he can focus on his work."


The other girls readily agreed, and soon they had energetically set about clearing the clutter without waiting for Ji Wuye's request.




A while later, not even a couple of hours had passed, yet the morning sun still cast its warm, golden rays over the lively scene of many female disciples merrily humming as they worked.


The once abandoned and dilapidated courtyard now looked impeccably clean and rejuvenated.


Faint traces of lingering Qi permeated the air, evident everywhere in the courtyard - not a single cobweb remained in the corners of the aged walls.


The scattered, dried leaves that had previously blanketed the ground were swept away, along with the verdant moss that had crept across the courtyard gate and living quarters' door.


The weeds, both inside and outside the courtyard's boundaries, had been meticulously uprooted, their presence erased. Even the bamboo roof appeared spotless, with some sections looking brand new, having been carefully replaced by deft hands.


By this point, Ji Wuye and the other female disciples were seated on the deck of the living quarters, basking in their hard work.


They gazed up at the vast, cloudless azure sky, allowing their racing pulses to settle as they rested their bodies after such vigorous cleaning efforts.


The stacked wooden boxes had been neatly carried and arranged inside the living quarters, as they were ready and waiting for their Junior Brother's mysterious experiment to commence.


"Hehe, now it looks so good and clean!" one female disciple exclaimed cheerfully, brushing away a few stray strands of hair from her flushed face.


"Who would have thought that this whole sprawling courtyard belongs to our Junior alone!" another chimed in with an impish grin, eyes twinkling with mirth.


Most of them giggled lightheartedly, but none appeared outwardly fatigued. After all, they were martial artists and survivors of the 5th floor of the Tower of God.


"What do you think of my skill, Junior? Cool, right?" Once their laughter subsided, each disciple began eagerly seeking Ji Wuye's approval, displaying the unique skills and techniques they had utilized during the cleaning process.


For instance, one of the Big Sisters awaited his answer with bated breath as she demonstrated her wind manipulation abilities.


Though the technique did not allow her body to fully hover, it enabled her to levitate several cun above the ground.


She also the one who had been responsible for clearing all the scattered, dried leaves while deftly moving the heavy wooden boxes into the living quarters with her controlled bursts of wind.


"That's really an awesome skill, Big Sister," Ji Wuye praised sincerely, his warm gaze meeting hers.


He knew well that these female disciples were only utilizing these techniques as secondary abilities, not their true main powers. They employed them more for amusement than combat.


The Big Sister beamed widely at his words, her cheeks flushing with delight as a melodious giggle escaped her lips. "Hehe…"


However, the very next moment, she noticed her Junior Brother's expression turn solemn, the levity in his voice hardening into serious tones.


"But I sincerely hope, Big Sister, that you take this skill seriously. Just imagine, casting your wind upon an enemy, making them levitate for a fleeting moment and catching them utterly off guard."


His piercing eyes bored into hers, bold brows furrowed with intensity.


"A-ah...y-yes...o-of course!" Caught off guard by her Junior Brother's grave demeanor and mesmerized by his enchanting eyes and chiseled features, the flustered Big Sister could only nod dumbly in response.


"Heeh, look, another Sister's heart being stolen!" The other girls erupted into a fresh peal of giggles.


While they were busy, Ji Wuye's attention shifted to the surroundings. Though he knew they had been cleaned, seeing them again made him smile. "This really looks excellent. I am truly thankful for all your hard work, Senior and Big Sister."


The eager female disciples beamed. "It was our pleasure, Junior Ji! We're happy to help however we can."


"Indeed," Lian Rougang spoke up. She smiled kindly, observing the giggling Junior Sisters and the neat, clean courtyard. "Though I must admit, I'm still quite curious about the nature of this experiment."


Her gaze then drifted toward the slightly opened door, where a cauldron lay beside a stacked wooden box, her brow furrowed slightly.


"Ah, about that..." Ji Wuye glanced around at their expectant faces. "While I'm grateful for your assistance in preparing the space, the actual experiment is something I should handle alone for now."


The female disciples visibly deflated, exchanging disappointed looks. "But why?"


"Surely we could observe, at least?"


Ji Wuye held up a placating hand. "I promise to explain everything once it's complete. For the moment, I must ask for your patience and trust that there's good reason for the privacy."


Lian Rougang studied him intently for a beat before giving a resigned nod. "Very well, Junior Brother. We'll respect your wishes." She shot a pointed look at the other girls. "Won't we?"


"Yes, Senior Sister," they chorused, though their reluctance was palpable.


"This Ji truly thanks you for your understanding," Ji Wuye said with a respectful cup of his hands. "I'll return shortly once the experiment is concluded."


The female disciples showered Ji Wuye with eager support as he made his way to the door, but Lian Rougang, simply observed. Her eyes lingered on the figure of her Junior Brother as he entered the room, her heart skipping a beat at the sight.


However, when her gaze shifted to one of her Junior Sisters, who had been utterly charmed by Ji Wuye's presence, that skipped beat instantly froze into stillness.


'What's happening to me?' she stammered inwardly, unable to fathom the recent fluctuations in her mood, especially concerning her Junior Brother.


Yet, when she suddenly recalled Ji Wuye's words about reminding her Junior Sister to take her skills seriously, those distracting thoughts vanished in an instant, replaced by a solemn, resolved look.


The recent mission she had undertaken and the grave words of the Elders flashed through Lian Rougang's mind, their solemn warnings echoing loudly.


"All of you," she began, her authoritative voice cutting through the jovial atmosphere. The female disciples, who had been craning their necks toward the door in anticipation, suddenly snapped their attention to her, surprised by the severe expression etched onto her delicate features.


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