Chapter 119


The third step, Bring to a Rolling Boil, ensured the three base ingredients were fully immersed and infused with the water's properties. As the cauldron reached a vigorous boil, wisps of steam rose and swirled in the air, carrying a rich, earthy aroma.


The first time the infusion occurred, a smell akin to smoked wood igniting a campfire wafted from the charred oak bark. This smoky scent mingled with an earthy, wet forest redolence, conjuring images of a misty woodland after rainfall.


Ji Wuye inhaled deeply, allowing the evocative aromas to transport his senses.


Taking a curious peek at the simmering cauldron, what Ji Wuye saw was a dark liquid with black flecks from the charred material suspended within the water's depths.


The inky surface undulated with each rolling boil. 'It's thicker, like a honey sugar,' Ji Wuye commented inwardly, his crimson eyes glinting as he studied the viscous concoction.


Soon he walked toward another stack of wooden boxes. With a creak of aged hinges, he opened the three wooden box lids, revealing Deer Antler Powder, Ox Gallstones, and Magnetite Sand neatly contained within.


Ji Wuye's brow furrowed as the memory of the hunched old man's solemn words echoed in his mind:


"Remember, these ingredients are a must! If you can't find them, either patiently wait or just forget it." The old man's wrinkles twitched as he spat out the words, solemnity emanating from his eyes.


"These ingredients aren't just another key. They're actually the main parts of this experiment. They will harden your body and bones, achieving the same result as those who practiced the Unbreakable Vajra from a young age." 

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Ji Wuye could vividly recall the weight of those words, spoken with such conviction.


Once he finished recollecting the old man's memories, Ji Wuye carefully brought the three wooden boxes to the cauldron once more.


That was the fourth step, Add the Fortifying Agents.


Under his glittering crimson gaze, Ji Wuye watched as the Deer Antler Powder, Ox Gallstones, and Magnetite Sand were added to the roiling brew.


The three powdery ingredients quickly infused into the boiling water, swirling and dispersing until the liquid took on a thick, inky consistency with flecks of iridescent particulate shimmering within.


'Now the careful step,' Ji Wuye muttered inwardly, his expression one of intense concentration. He turned around, approaching the one stand-alone ceramic pot resting on the top of the stacked wooden boxes.


It was no larger than the size of his palm, likely because he had only ordered a small amount. Bringing this ceramic pot along with two other wooden boxes, Ji Wuye didn't instantly add their contents like before.


"Scorpion Venom, Black Mustard Seeds, Saltpeter," he spoke, his deep voice reverberating softly as he opened the two remaining wooden boxes.


"The Saltpeter, a natural mineral salt, can intensify the brew's boiling point and has purifying properties," Ji Wuye recalled the old man's rasping voice explaining the purpose of each ingredient.


"Next are Black Mustard Seeds. They're used for their pungent and heating properties. These seeds will amplify the brew's potency and heat during the cauldron brewing process."


The memory played vividly in Ji Wuye's mind, the old man's deeply lined face etched with wisdom born from decades of experience.


Once again, the hunched figure of the aged mentor flashed before Ji Wuye's eyes as he looked down at the three crucial items before him.


"These ingredients are additional, not required, but they help compensate for your lack of talent by triggering the raging Qi flow between your dantians," the old man's gravelly voice echoed, his eyes glinting with the weight of profound knowledge.


"But the Scorpion Venom is the main catalyst ingredient," Ji Wuye could see the old man's solemn expression as clearly as if he were standing before him.


The words reverberated through his consciousness as his crimson gaze settled on the small ceramic pot. "When combined, these ingredients not only push your body, but also your spirit to trigger rapid adaptation."


With that memory burning bright, Ji Wuye gingerly lifted the ceramic pot's lid, the pungent, musky scent of the Scorpion Venom hitting his nostrils.


He instantly poured the viscous, amber-hued liquid into the roiling cauldron, followed swiftly by the Black Mustard Seeds and Saltpeter.


A hissing sound filled the air as the new ingredients met the scalding brew, tendrils of steam rising in dizzying swirls.


That was the fifth step, Introduce the Catalysts.


Now moving with practiced efficiency, Ji Wuye returned to the stack of wooden boxes and carried three more containers near the cauldron, setting them down with a dull thud. One by one, he opened their lids, the aromas of the precious contents wafting outward.


"Ginseng Roots, that will help replenish my vitality," he murmured, lifting a gnarled root from the first box, its surface rutted like an ancient tree trunk.


He dropped it into the bubbling concoction without ceremony, the root immediately becoming submerged.


"Pine Resin, while not as potent as the mythical dragon blood resin, still has invigorating properties that support the Ginseng Root's effects," Ji Wuye recited the old man's words from his memories of their past conversations.


With careful movements, he poured the sticky, amber-hued resin into the brew portion by portion, watching as it slowly melted and dispersed, lending its woodsy fragrance to the heady fumes.


"And lastly," Ji Wuye paused, hesitating as he reached for the final ingredient - the old man's questionable recommendation.


"Dried Sea Cucumber..." he muttered, unable to mask the skepticism in his tone as he dropped the shriveled, tubular creatures into the roiling mixture.


It was believed to possess grounding and stabilizing properties. The sea cucumbers would help anchor his spirit during the immersion into this transformative brew.


That was the final step - adding the Revitalizing Herbs.


As the last ingredients were introduced, the cauldron seemed to come alive, the brew bubbling and frothing with renewed vigor.


A kaleidoscope of scents intermingled in the steamy air - the earthy musk of ginseng, the piney notes of resin, the briny tang of dried sea creatures, all mingling with the smoky char of oak bark and the pungent mustard seeds. It was a heady, complex aroma that defied simple description.


Ji Wuye watched, transfixed, as the color of the liquid continuously shifted and morphed, swirling from inky black to burnished gold and back again in hypnotic eddies.


"For the final step..." he could hear the old man's gravelly rasp echoing in his mind,


"The best time to proceed is waiting another minute for all the ingredients to properly mix. The worst time is no more than ten minutes, as the effect would decrease and you would fail to reach the second stage of Unbreakable Vajra."


Taking a steadying breath, Ji Wuye's white martial robe with aqua stripes slipped from his body in a soft whisper of fabric, leaving his form naked and shrouded in shadows within the confines of the living quarters.


"This is the reason why I would be embarrassed," he murmured with a wry smile twisting his lips. Pushing aside any lingering trepidation, Ji Wuye stepped forward and lowered himself into the scalding depths of the bubbling cauldron without hesitation.


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