Chapter 122


Two weeks have passed since Ji Wuye entered the second stage of the Unbreakable Vajra, and the weighty conversation with Lian Rougang still lingered in the recesses of his mind.


In fact, it has been precisely 22 days since the announcement of the three-month Tower break.


During this time, Ji Wuye's days flew by like a passing wind, the hours blurring together in a cyclone of unrelenting focus and discipline. However, one unexpected event occurred, rippling through his regimented routine...


Today, seated cross-legged in the serene Kunlun Thousand Pavilion, the fragrant agarwood incense wafting through the air, Ji Wuye's brow furrowed in intense concentration as he pored over the manual.


His calloused fingers traced the pages with reverence, the parchment crackling faintly with each turn. He was fully immersed, the world around him fading into a distant hum.


The title of the manual, embossed in ornate calligraphy, read 'Ascendant of Unity'—the same internal art manual he had meticulously studied before. This revered tome contained the knowledge necessary to reach the 4th realm by opening the elusive Upper Dantian.


According to the time-honored teachings inscribed upon the yellowed pages, the practice begins with an intensely focused cleansing and purification of all twelve meridians.


Qi must be rapidly circulated along each energy pathway, utilizing the combined power of the Lower and Middle Dantians to scour away every last impurity, like a raging river scouring the riverbed.


Special emphasis is placed on the thrusting channels that connect to the Niwan Palace at the Upper Dantian's location, which must be brought to a state of pristine clarity, akin to a flawless mirror reflecting the cosmos.


Once the meridians are perfected as seamless conduits, the focus shifts to strengthening the revolutions within the Lower and Middle Dantians.


Their essences are further refined and condensed through tens of thousands of revolutions, each cycle honing the elixir fields with the relentless precision of a master jeweler faceting a breathtaking gem.


When both Dantians thrum with maximal density and power, their energies are unleashed in unison—the Yin essence arcing up from the lower like a serpent uncoiling, while the Yang essence descends from the middle in a blazing spiral.


At the Niwan Palace, these potent energies collide and churn in a vortex of chaotic intermingling, the roiling forces threatening to overwhelm the senses.


One must maintain unwavering focus, neither suppressing nor giving way to the intense commotion, lest the delicate balance be shattered.


Steadily, through two years of disciplined training and force of will as unyielding as a mountain, order begins to emerge from the chaos. The intertwining energies start to revolve in a unified spiral, marking the genesis of the Upper Dantian, a new dawn on the horizon.


Over hundreds of meditation cycles, this nascent elixir field is nourished by the perfectly balanced essences flowing from the Lower and Middle Dantians, condensing increasingly toward an unmovable, eternal revolution—a perpetual dance of Yin and Yang in perfect harmony.


Finally, after painstakingly drawing in the entire body's purified Qi and essence, the Upper Dantian reaches cosmic completion.


'Two years of constant circulation...' Ji Wuye murmured inwardly, his voice a reverent whisper as he turned to the penultimate page of the manual.


For the past two weeks, he had made the serene Kunlun Thousand Pavilion his sanctum, the fragrant agarwood burning steadily as he pored over the 'Ascendance of Unity' tome.


Occasionally, he would join his Senior and Big Sisters from the Outer Disciple group at the tea house.


Most of the Official Disciples, however, seemed to be preoccupied—their time consumed by handling external matters and making preparations for the upcoming martial alliance gathering.

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Only after two weeks of constant study, his mind a forge honing an indomitable focus, did Ji Wuye finally reach this pivotal juncture.

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[>>[Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa]<<]

Type: Passive Skill - External Art 

Stage: Upper Dantian (1st Stage)

Legend has it that this martial art was created by the first Immortal for their beloved disciples. It helps the martial artist break rules and limitations, following their Shifu's steps to become an immortal.

Knowledge required: 99/100%



'99%,' Ji Wuye pondered. In the previous timeline, he had not anticipated that mastering this internal art would demand such an extensive commitment of time and unwavering dedication.


Many of his carefully laid plans were postponed...


'I thought I could immediately advance and become a 4th realm martial artist in just a couple of days,' Ji Wuye reflected ruefully, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.


The naive arrogance of his past self now seemed almost quaint.


It couldn't be helped; he was too excited, intoxicated by the tantalizing prospect of scaling new heights, after all, this was a new realm for him, one that he had never achieved in the previous timeline.


'Well, that's my fault for underestimating the process...' he chided himself inwardly. However, the realization that he could ascend to the 4th realm after just a couple of weeks of dedicated study made all the grueling hours of waiting more than worthwhile.


Reflecting on those early days, specifically right after he entered the second stage of the Unbreakable Vajra, Ji Wuye's expression softened with a hint of fond nostalgia.


He had naively thought he could cheat his way through, as he had with achieving body tempering, but the humbling results made him chuckle inwardly.


Yes, Ji Wuye could vividly recall those first three frenzied days after completing 'that' experiment upon entering the second stage.


He had rushed to the Kunlun Thousand Pavilion, heart pounding with anticipation, frantically flipping through the pages of the 'Ascendant of Unity' as if possessed.


In those days, he had thought that the knowledge of 'Ascendant of Unity' would be easily absorbed and acknowledged by the external art of Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa into his mind, simply by flipping through the pages or as long as his eyes saw it.


However, that naive method proved utterly ineffective. Not only did the required knowledge percentage stubbornly refuse to increase, but he was also squandering precious time on a fruitless endeavor.


Thus, after three wasted days of increasingly frustrated efforts, Ji Wuye finally came to a humbling conclusion.


Only by truly understanding the profound content contained within the ancient manual's pages would the knowledge requirement for the Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa progress.


This external art, a vessel awaiting the elixir of enlightenment, required genuine comprehension before it could even begin to experiment with methods to accelerate the process.


'That means I also need to know beforehand how to breakthrough to the 5th, 6th, and even later realms,' Ji Wuye muttered inwardly.


As he turned the final page, the two simple words "the end" seemed to reverberate with profound finality.


And then, like a celestial whisper amidst the stillness, a flicker of a transparent screen manifested before his eyes.



[!] The knowledge requirement for Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa has been fulfilled!



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