Chapter 124


"Ah... P-Please pardon this junior's rude behavior. I greet you, Great Elder Cui Hai..." Stunned by the unexpected appearance of the hunched old man, Elder Mu replied.


He immediately mimicked Ji Wuye's demeanor, slightly bowing his head as his back bent in a deferential arc, cupping his calloused hands together in a respectful greeting.


The wizened elder shake his head, his deeply creased face shifting with the subtle movement. A light, wheezing snort escaped his thin lips as he shifted his piercing gaze toward Ji Wuye. "Little Brother, are you hurt anywhere?"


Despite the old man's unassuming stature and faded white martial robe, an aura of quiet power seemed to emanate from his very being, belying his unremarkable exterior.


As Ji Wuye unconsciously stared, transfixed, he noticed the old man's pupils were bottomless obsidian pools, unreadable and brimming with inscrutable mystery.


Being scrutinized by this mighty figure, none other than the mysterious Great Elder himself, Ji Wuye felt a momentary daze wash over him.


The musty scent of aged manuals and fragrant agarwood incense wafting through the air seemed to envelop him. But he quickly regained his composure, his shoulders squaring as he centered himself.


"Thank you very much, Venerable Elder. This Ji also greets you," Ji Wuye responded, his voice steady and polite as he cupped his hands and bowed his head once more.


An uncanny calmness flowed through his veins, stemming from the inexplicable presence of this old man.


'Great Elder...' The words echoed through Ji Wuye's mind, disbelief causing his brow to furrow imperceptibly.


Over the past two weeks, he and this old man had developed an almost ethereal, unconscious connection. Each day, when Ji Wuye arrived, he courteously greeted him before Ji Wuye immersed himself in studying the inner art 'Ascendant of Unity.'


Though he had grown accustomed to this old man's presence behind the polished oak counter, Ji Wuye never imagined that this unassuming old man was actually the unheard-of Great Elder himself.


'In the first place, I had never heard this term; I thought he was just some unheard-of Elder?' Ji Wuye thought, his mind racing as confusion blossomed within him.


This revelation struck the most discordant chord—how had he never caught wind that Kunlun had a Great Elder in his previous lifetime's experiences?


"Ho...ho...ho, it's good that you are fine, then," the old man chuckled, his gravelly laughter echoing through the breeze that passed between this cave-like pavilion and the mountain walls.


Within those deep, abyss-black eyes, Ji Wuye could somehow sense that the Great Elder perceived his feigned nonchalance, saw through his act.


It was a fleeting feeling, a mere whisper of intuition, before the Great Elder's piercing gaze shifted back toward the still bowing Elder Mu, who had yet to be acknowledged or permitted to raise his head from the deferential stance.


"What is your explanation? This old man, although old, remains vigorous," the Great Elder stated, his gravelly voice carrying a subtle undercurrent of menace.


The faint implication that he had borne witness to Elder Mu's every action and recorded word hung palpably in the air.


Under Ji Wuye's watchful crimson gaze, he was stunned to see the once mighty and formidable Elder Mu, who had always carried himself with arrogant pride, suddenly begin to sweat profusely.


The man's hands trembled visibly as panic crept into his expression.


"P-Please forgive this junior... I won't repeat the same mistakes again..." Elder Mu stammered, his words tumbling out in a rush. Ji Wuye's eyes narrowed as he clearly noticed the way Elder Mu's jaw clenched, teeth gritting as he bit down hard on his lower lip.


'That's so much hatred right there...' The thought crystallized in Ji Wuye's mind as his crimson eyes glowed faintly, imprinting this humiliating scene into his memory.


Like the narrow minded Elder Xia, Elder Mu had now earned himself a place on the mental list Ji Wuye had begun compiling, the first addition since its creation.


'Ah, there is also Qin Bai,' he added inwardly with a slight nod, another name joining the tally.


On the other hand, the Great Elder didn't deign to respond verbally. With a mere wave of his gnarled hand, both he and the chastened Elder Mu instantly vanished from the spot, disappearing as if they had never been there and leaving Ji Wuye alone.


Though this sudden development raised his eyebrows briefly, Ji Wuye maintained his outward calm.


His piercing gaze swept over the entire second floor before settling on the Great Elder, who had rematerialized behind his customary polished oak counter. Ji Wuye bowed his head respectfully, cupping his hands.


"If I may, this Ji would also excuse myself," he spoke politely. The Great Elder raised his head slightly, fixing Ji Wuye with that inscrutable black abys stare for a moment before giving a slight nod of assent.


"Good luck with your enlightenment, Little Brother," the Elder's voice rasped, waving a dismissive hand. But rather than turning to leave, Ji Wuye politely interrupted, as if he had been anticipating this very moment.


"Great Elder, please forgive this impudent request, but may this Ji ask for your help?"




Night soon fell over the Kunlun Sect, the last slanted rays of dusk fading as dusk's velvety blanket descended. The time had passed like a fleeting breeze since that small, yet impactful incident within the Kunlun Thousand Pavilion.


Meanwhile, within the cavernous Hall of Order and Discipline, countless ornately carved pillars supported a vaulted ceiling high overhead.


A long polished table spanned the hall's length, reminiscent of an ancient marketplace's interior. The spacious chamber was illuminated by the warm glow of braziers lining the walls, filling the air with the scent of smoldering wood and fragrant oils.


Suddenly, the large wooden doors at the far end boomed open with a resounding bang! The abrupt noise caused the disciples within to start, several of them nearly upending the stacks of scrolls and ledgers they had been meticulously organizing in preparation to depart for the evening.


"Greetings, Elder!" they exclaimed in unison upon spotting the robed figure striding purposefully into the hall. All cupped their hands and dipped their heads in a respectful bow.


"May I know what request brings even the honorable Elder like yourself to our humble base?" asked one disciple, his white martial robe with dark blue stripes denoting his status as an Official Disciple.


This place was none other than the renowned Hall of Order and Discipline, where the myriad missions, administrative tasks, punishments, violations, rewards, and comprehensive records of every disciple and Elder within the sect were meticulously managed and archived.


It was also the domain governed by Just Elder Xia, who oversaw these vital affairs with fairness.


"I'm here to deliver a private commission. Where is your Elder?" the Elder's voice was laced with barely restrained fury as he posed the demand.


He was Elder Mu, his eyes smoldered with rage, narrowed to slits as if he could barely contain the inferno of anger raging within in the wake of his recent humiliation at the hands of the Great Elder before Ji Wuye's watchful gaze.


Sensing the precarious tension radiating from the Elder, the surrounding disciples hurriedly replied, "Elder Xia is still in his private chambers. Please, allow me to guide you, Elder."


One brave soul stepped forward, gesturing deferentially toward a side corridor with a slight bow as the others shrank back, their expressions apprehensive.


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