Chapter 126



[!] Congratulations! Your Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa skill has made a minor breakthrough!




[>>[Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa]<<]

Type: Passive Skill - External Art 

Stage: Sword Aura (2nd Stage)

Legend has it that this martial art was created by the first Immortal for their beloved disciples. It helps the martial artist break rules and limitations, following their Shifu's steps to become an immortal.

Knowledge required: 0/100%


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"Sword Aura..." Ji Wuye mumbled, a faint smile playing on his lips as the words slipped out. Finally, after an arduous journey spanning countless moons, the elusive feeling of attaining the 4th realm washed over him, causing his calloused hands to tremble with barely contained excitement. "I did it... Senior Brothers...Senior Sisters..."


Emerging from the living quarters, Ji Wuye's crimson eyes, which had always coldly planned for the future and meticulously calculated every action to survive without greatly disrupting the timeline, now brimmed with raw emotion for the first time.


His steely gaze grew distant and unfocused as a torrent of memories from the previous timeline began resurfacing one by one, like countless droplets coalescing into an unstoppable stream.


The bitter taste of failure flooded his senses as he vividly recalled the moment when, despite exhaustively utilizing every skill from the Tower Shop and maxing out their proficiencies, he still could not defeat a group of martial artists relying purely on their martial arts.


His body tensed as he remembered the bitterness of watching his Juniors effortlessly advance to the 4th realm under his guidance.


Another memory surfaced—the memory of a desperate, bloody battle fought to the brink of death in a vain attempt to trigger an "opportunity" to break free from the shackles of the 3rd realm.


Yet, despite his unyielding determination, failure had been his only reward that fateful day.


"All those failures...only now do I succeed..." For a fleeting instant, Ji Wuye allowed the bittersweet tide of memories to wash over him as he stood motionless, the cold night wind whispering through his damp martial robes.


The pale moonlight shone upon his long white hair, causing it to shimmer like a ghostly reflection in the dark sky above. But then the serene image cracked, replaced by the horrific scene of Du Chen's limp body being stabbed and callously hung mid-air.


Ji Wuye's eyes hardened as he recalled the killer's indifferent smile while flinging Du Chen's body aside like a broken doll before slowly approaching Ji Wuye himself, a crimson trail of blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.


"That's right...this isn't over yet..." In that pivotal moment, an inferno of grim determination flared to life in Ji Wuye's crimson eyes. Regaining awareness of the present, he strode with purpose to the center of the courtyard and assumed a stance.


However, he now gripped not the slender jian blade he had always used, but instead a long, massive wooden greatsword with both calloused hands.


Ji Wuye bent his knees slightly, feeling the flow of Qi pulse through the meridians in his feet. As he focused, his surroundings seemed to slow down, the calm at the center of a storm.


The gentle hum of his passive Qi Training skill resonated within, easing the surging burst of Qi into a steady, rhythmic flow, conserving his energy with each measured breath.


At the same time…

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The Eternal Blade Art, First Move - Soaring Cyclone Blade!

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Ji Wuye's legs tensed, his muscles coiling like tightly wound springs. In an explosive burst, he launched himself skyward, the force of his ascent whipping the air into a frenzy.


As he rose, he reached deep within, tapping into the wellsprings of Qi that resided in his Lower and Middle Dantians. A faint bluish aura eagerly emerged, enveloping his body and the wooden greatsword in an ethereal embrace.


As Ji Wuye ascended, his body twisted in a graceful spiral that belied the raw power within. The wooden greatsword in his grip followed the arc of his movement, slicing through the air in a wide, sweeping motion.


The blade's passage stirred the wind, birthing a miniature vortex that danced around him, a whirling dervish of cyclonic gusts that accompanied his rise.




Ji Wuye's body, strengthened thanks to the Unbreakable Vajra and boosted by the momentum of his spinning maneuver, managed to propel his jump an astonishing 150 zhang from the courtyard ground below.


The bamboo roof suddenly entered Ji Wuye's vision, momentarily stunning him with the sheer height of his leap. Yet soon, his razor-sharp gaze fixed on a distant the lower ground where wild grasslands stretched toward the horizon.


"Tianjing Village... Kunlun Qiuxiu Village," Ji Wuye mumbled.


But his moment of awe was short-lived as the inexorable forces of gravity began to take hold once more. Still clutching the wooden greatsword's hilt in a white-knuckle grip, Ji Wuye cleaved downwards with all his might as if chopping with a giant's axe.




The thunderous impact of Ji Wuye's landing sent a billowing cloud of dust flying in all directions as nearby wild grasses growing between the stone courtyard tiles were violently uprooted.


Waving away the settling dirt with one hand, Ji Wuye surveyed the aftermath - the spiderwebbed craters and smashed tiles surrounding the point of his landing.


"That's...impressive," Ji Wuye said with a faint smile, his voice laced with a hint of self-satisfaction. After all, the combination of Unbreakable Vajra and his descending body after using the moves of Eternal Blade Art from 150 zhang away was no mere joke.


The sword art he had just executed, the Eternal Blade Art, was the same one he had used on the first floor of the Tower and again when he escaped in the middle of the water on the third floor.


As Ji Wuye's gaze lingered on the wooden greatsword gripped in his hands, reality began to blur and intertwine with the fragmented memories of the past.


In the previous timeline, the Eternal Blade Art had been Ji Wuye's go-to technique—his rice and wine, so to speak. This sword art was a major reason that saved his life and became his greatest weapon.


As for why he chose this, the reason was simple. Even with the myriad skills and techniques he had meticulously acquired from the Tower shop, a greatsword like this had proven to be the perfect weapon for Ji Wuye's fighting style over a slender, dexterous jian.


'Now that I've finally reached the 4th realm, perhaps it's time to attempt that move,' Ji Wuye mused, his brow furrowing in contemplation as his calloused fingers traced the the greatsword's hilt.


On the other hand, the reason Ji Wuye had refrained from fully committing to wielding a greatsword until this pivotal moment was twofold: firstly, the absolutely staggering stamina consumption required to wield such a colossal blade effectively; also, Song Jia's sword art was still a better choice.


The second, and arguably more crucial factor, had been Ji Wuye's own restricted martial realm.


But now...


The move he was about to perform was even outclassing Song Jia's Rising.


The Eternal Blade Art, Second Move - Great Sword Resonance…


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