Chapter 135


"Y-you, w-what is your real martial realm?!" Song Jia stammered, her voice quivering with disbelief as she staggered backwards.


Her eyes squinted warily at Ji Wuye, who had been standing there impassively the whole time. Yet, despite her heightened senses, she detected not even the faintest ripple of Qi flow emanating from him.


How then did this unassuming man so effortlessly deflect and block her attack - the very second martial art movement taught by her Master?


"Wait… a skill?!" But then, suddenly, she remembered the scene, or rather the same scene, where Ji Wuye also deflected her Senior Brother Wu Gao's attack, replayed in her mind.


"It's rude, you know," Ji Wuye spoke in a casual drawl, slightly rotating his wrist that gripped the jian sword with a fluid motion. "Attacking me in a sudden."


The words had barely left his lips when Song Jia's eyes widened in shock as his figure literally vanished from sight, as if swallowed by the very air itself.


"Ugh!" The next instant, a sharp, searing pain exploded in her abdomen, like an enraged ox slamming its horns into her gut. The force of the unseen blow made her double over, retching out a mouthful of bitter bile.




Before Song Jia could even comprehend what was happening, her body was flung backwards with tremendous force, her slender frame grazing against the tall blades of grass surrounding them.


She landed in an unceremonious heap, gasping for breath, one hand clutching her agonized abdomen while the other dug into the soft earth beneath her.


Raising her head with effort, she saw Ji Wuye standing there, his right leg still extended from the powerful kick that had sent her flying.


'Strong!' The thought echoed through Song Jia's mind, excitement and adrenaline coursing through her veins, causing her body to burn with an almost feverish intensity.


Her eyes widened with a fiery gleam as she staggered back to her feet, trembling yet undeterred.


Despite using a skill to deflect her attack, Ji Wuye had actually improved! She vividly remembered how they were evenly matched back when they first sparred.


But now…


Remembering this defeat triggered her deepest emotions. The last scene, where she was once again being defeated in a humiliating way, similar to when she was defeated by Mu Lan Rou, replayed in her mind.




Seeing Song Jia's pained condition, Ji Wuye lowered his right foot, a hint of guilt flickering across his impassive features.


'Oops, I didn't realize that kick was too much for her,' he thought. He actually had controlled his strength, but it seem it was still too much for a martial artist below the 7th Realm to handle, even with this light kick.


If not, Song Jia wouldn't even be standing right now. If he had delivered his full strength, she, whose hadn't even used Qi to envelop her body or was ready for his sudden attack, would have had her ribs broken and internal organs injured.


As for Song Jia being a woman...


Of course, anyone would be angered at the sight of her beautiful, innocent-looking face contorted in agony, angry at him for not being merciful and rough on a woman.




'Well, she did attack me first,' he reasoned inwardly.


If not for his newly improved physique, Song Jia's earlier attack would have undoubtedly inflicted grievous harm upon him.


'And yet this crazy girl is still smiling widely,' Ji Wuye mused.


She stood before him now, feet trembling slightly yet eyes alight with a fervent, almost maddened gleam - a stark contrast to her delicate, innocent features. It was as if a crazed warrior spirit had taken possession of her lithe, feminine frame.


"H-hehe.... Brother Ji, you are quite rough with a girl. If I spread word about this... will the girls look at you in the same light?" she threatened, but seeing Ji Wuye had no reaction, she continued,


"If you want to make me keep silent, then why don't we have some FUN?!" Song Jia's voice took on a wild, unhinged edge as the words tore from her throat.


Her stance, previously unsteady and limping, suddenly transformed as she charged at Ji Wuye with reckless abandon.


There was no semblance of martial arts pose or form, only pure animalistic instinct guiding her movements as she gripped the jian's handle in reverse, the blade's razor-sharp tip and edge now pointing backwards.


She aimed to strike him with the hilt, her eyes blazing with a crazed fervor.


Witnessing Song Jia's state for the first time, Ji Wuye felt a flicker of stunned disbelief. 'She's crazy,' he concluded inwardly, his brows furrowing slightly.


On the other hand, "Umm, heroes?" The anxious coachman finally spoke up, sensing the perfect opening amid the tense silence. "We really should hurry before night," he gently reminded, a hint of apprehension lacing his tone.


Ji Wuye responded with a faint nod and a thumbs up gesture. "Don't worry, Uncle. This will just-"




In the next instant, without even shifting from his position, Ji Wuye's hand shot out like a viper, seizing Song Jia by the head and slamming her down against the ground with brutal force. Her eyes rolled back as a shocked gasp escaped her lips, and she went limp.


"-take a couple breaths."




Night soon descended, devouring the vibrant blue sky in its inky embrace. The horse-carriage carrying Ji Wuye and the unconscious Song Jia had long since entered the forest, and now rested deep within its heart.


The crackling fire cast flickering, dancing shadows upon their surroundings, illuminating the coachman seated nearby, roasting what appeared to be some kind of rice dish over the flames.


The horse and carriage stood silently by, seeking the warm comfort of the fire's embrace against the cold night air.




"Ugh..." A pained groan escaped Song Jia's lips as she slowly regained consciousness, her eyes fluttering open to find her entire body aching with a dull, throbbing pain.


What greeted her gaze was the sight of a calm, composed, and undeniably handsome man. His crimson eyes were solemnly focused on something below.


"H-huh?!" Her sleepy eyes shot wide open in utter disbelief as the realization hit her -- this was really happening!


A man, was actually this close to her!


"Y-you!" She blurted out, her voice a hushed whisper laced with bewilderment and... something else.


Not only was there a strange, alluring scent emanating from his body that made her mind swim dizzily, but the solemnity in his piercing gaze and the perfection of his chiseled features took her breath away. "W-what are you doing?!"


Without even needing to think, Song Jia's complexion flushed a deep crimson as the words tumbled out in a flustered outburst. She tried to push him away, but a fresh wave of agonizing pain lanced through her body, leaving her gasping.


"Quiet," Ji Wuye's deep, masculine voice rang out, the rich timbre of it seeming to reverberate through Song Jia's very being, instantly silencing her protests.


"W-what quiet! How dare you touch me!" Of course, being the headstrong disciple of her Master, Song Jia was not one to remain subdued and bewitched for long.


Her Master's words and story about a man personality akin to a wolf echoed like a mantra in her mind, jarring her from her dazed state as she angrily lashed out at the man before her.


She struggled and writhed, desperately trying to break free and put distance between them. But her efforts were met only with fresh waves of agonizing pain lancing through her body and stony silence from Ji Wuye.


Eventually, Song Jia gave up, though her defiant eyes continued to blaze, fixated on his hands as he gently applied some kind of fragrant herbal salve to the mottled bruises marring her skin.




A few moments later, Ji Wuye finally finished tending to her injuries. He met Song Jia's fiery, accusatory glare with an impassive gaze.


"Do you have something to say to me?" he asked calmly, unflinching in the face of her fierce scowl.


"No!" She vehemently denied, quickly averting her eyes and turning her head away with a huff of indignation. Yet Ji Wuye did not seem bothered by her brusque dismissal.


'At least I feel less guilty,' he mused inwardly before rising to his feet and surveying their surroundings with those piercing crimson eyes. At the same time, his irises began to faintly glow, and a translucent screen flickered into existence before him.


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