Chapter 138


Meanwhile, as the clash began, high up in the towering ancient trees where the full moon's ethereal glow pierced through the canopy, Ji Wuye perched securely on a sturdy branch. From this vantage point, the night sky opened up before him, a canvas of twinkling stars and wisps of clouds drifting across the inky blackness.


A strong, frigid gust of wind howled through the forest, whipping Ji Wuye's stark white hair into a fluttering frenzy. His crimson eyes, luminous even in the dense darkness, scanned the scene unfolding beneath him, stripping away obscuring leaves and shadows with an intense, penetrating gaze.


One slender eyebrow arched upwards in mild surprise.


"Senior Sister..." he murmured, his deep voice barely audible over the rushing winds. A hint of bewilderment tinged his tone as the lithe figure of Li Rong materialized, evidently having followed their trail.


The corners of his lips twitched downwards briefly before resetting into a neutral expression. 'That's mean… Elder Qiao's warning cannot be taken lightly.'


The enigmatic origins of his shrouded past, coupled with mere fragments of childhood memories, remained elusive secrets waiting to be unveiled. But in this moment, the sudden appearance of the three roguish strangers piqued his inscrutable curiosity.


'Beggar Sect,' the thought emerged as his crimson gaze focused intently on one unkempt man garbed in tattered, flowing robes reminiscent of ancient hanfu. This vagabond moved with surprising agility, his motions a flurry of expertly timed dodges and evasions as he clashed with his Senior Sister.


He had not anticipated those disreputable beggars shadowing their trail, but considering Ji Wuye's company gathered around the embers of their campfire, where Song Jia and the coachman rested…


'Well, that's normal. After all, she's the disciple of the legendary Five Emperors,' he thought inwardly.


Just as Ji Wuye's intense scrutiny momentarily wavered, a subtle movement in his peripheral vision alerted him that the beggars had already taken flight, scattering like startled vermin into the shadowy undergrowth.


Below, Li Rong shook her head in clear disdain, her delicate features contorted into a scowl as an indecipherable grumble of frustration escaped her lips.


Though certainly a pity this confrontation could scarcely be considered a true clash of combat prowess.


'Sigh, the data is insufficient to accurately replicate their techniques,' Ji Wuye mused with a twinge of disappointment.


His luminous crimson eyes had remained fixated throughout, prepared to meticulously analyze and commit to memory every nuance of their martial arts forms. Yet his hopes were dashed as the craven vagabonds chose immediate retreat over battle.


As for pinpointing their current whereabouts...


A ghost of an amused smile played across Ji Wuye's lips as his penetrating gaze slowly swept their surroundings.


Of course, under the relentless scrutiny of his crimson eyes, he easily detected the beggars' amateurish attempts at concealment not a li from the initial confrontation.


Or, to be more precise, the very tree he currently occupied served as their ill-advised hiding place, the beggars huddled beneath its gnarled roots like sewer rats in the shadows.


'Let's get a closer look,' Ji Wuye mused inwardly.


With silent grace, he descended from his lofty perch atop the ancient tree, sliding effortlessly on the tree trunk.


He came to a stop, his hands gripping tightly into the weather-worn bark of a towering trunk, piercing and embedding into the wood like sturdy handles.


Thanks to the incredible might granted by the Unbreakable Vajra martial art flowing through his form, Ji Wuye could effortlessly pierce even the densest timber.


With his legs bent at the knee, upper body leaned forward for optimal stability, he had secured an ideal vantage point to eavesdrop undisturbed.


Now, their hushed conversation carried clearly to his ears on the whispering breeze...


"Damn! Who knew an Inner Disciple would actually trail those Juniors!" The gruff voice of the unkempt beggar leader grated out, laced with frustration as he vigorously massaged his sore, calloused hands.


The shrill ringing of the flying dagger he had used to deflect Li Rong's blows persisted until he forcefully muffled it against his tattered, foul-smelling hanfu robes.


Receiving no response from his subordinates, the irate leader narrowed gaze met their pitying looks.


"Senior Brother...why did you choose to cower on the ground like snared rabbits, knowing a carriage was passing along this road?" One of the younger beggars boldly posed the foolish question, his tone dripping with disdain that further inflamed their leader's temper.


"Ehm...Brother Lan raises a fair point. I think it was rather inapp-" The other began to meekly 'advise' their Senior, but both were abruptly silenced by a furious bellow.


"Shut your insolent traps, you two ingrates!" Veins bulged prominently at the leader's ruddy forehead as flecks of spittle flew from his contorted mouth to bead in his unkempt beard. "How could I have known it was a bloody carriage?! Aren't you the useless curs who should have been watching our backs?!"


But as soon as the thunderous shout left his gnarled lips, the two subordinates immediately clapped their grimy hands over his mouth, smothering any further outbursts as the leader's eyes widened comically. "Mmmphhh! MMMH-!"


"Ssssht! Senior Brother, did you utterly forget we're attempting to hide here?!" One hissed through clenched teeth, glaring daggers at their impulsive, loud-mouthed superior as all semblance of subtlety shattered.


However, under their incredulous stares, the leader's flushed, angry expression suddenly transformed. He calmly removed their grubby hands from his face as his beady eyes narrowed to slits, turning his gaze upwards to sweep the branches looming overhead.


"I know you're present, lurker. Show yourself now." This time, no blustering shout escaped, only a terse, low whisper as a well-worn flying dagger appeared in his grip, ready to fling at the faintest provocation from the silent figure above.


Only to freeze as the mysterious silhouette casually 'slid' down the tree's craggy trunk in a controlled descent, alighting before them with natural poise.


"Greetings, respected Seniors of the esteemed Beggar Sect. May I inquire as to what pressing business brings you shadowing matters concerning Kunlun's disciples?" The appearance of this striking figure left the ragged beggars utterly stunned into silence.


Not by his face, which was otherworldly—a celestial presence rivaling even the Jade Emperor's divine magnificence. Nor by the calm, steady bearing and intense crimson eyes that so starkly contrasted his pure white, windswept locks.


But rather...


"Ji Wuye...the Flower Boy…" The wary leader uttered the name like a curse, eyeing the young disciple with renewed vigilance. Every scrap of gathered information about this young man's background and abilities was utterly wrong!


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