104:A Familiar Figure

Secret Intelligence Office, Horizon City Branch...

A high-level meeting took place where various men who held top positions of leaders sat before the screen with solemn expressions on their faces to hear the report.

"123 people had already been killed and there may be more people dying while we are talking."Yamato the Chief Officer reported to everyone while giving the reports.

"The bodies we have recovered are pale, lifeless, cold without much presence of blood. The bodies have several bite marks of fangs on their necks. Based on evidence collected from the group that manages to offer a fight, it didn't even last for 10 minutes before all of them were killed. The target seems to be hunting at night while lying dormant and hiding during the day."

"Is there any footage?"

"We only have the footage from base 3 from which the Vampire appeared. All we can see are faint blurs of the fight."Yamato shouted then played the footage.