351:Gwen Meet Leon Ex-Fiancee[III]

In a white-ceilinged room, Leon leaned against the wall while Gwen paced back and forth nervously biting her thumb.

"Hey, Leon? Are you sure she won't die?" Gwen asked, her brow furrowed with concern.

Her emotions just got the better of her. She just wanted to avoid killing the person.

Leon rubbed his ears several times, trying to discern what his sister meant. Was she genuinely worried about Elena, or subtly asking to confirm whether she will die or not?

"She will live," Leon replied with a reassuring nod.

"Haa! I didn't know she was so weak otherwise..." Gwen's tone was self-blaming, but Leon yet again struggled to grasp her true intention.

He wondered if Gwen meant she would have ensured Elena's demise if she had known how vulnerable she was.

"Ahem! Sister, do you hate her so much?"

"Of course! How can I not?" Gwen erupted like a volcano.