The aftermath of the vortex was cataclysmic. As the swirling darkness expanded into a colossal black hole, its gravitational pull intensified, consuming everything in its path.

The forest became a battleground of destruction, ravaged by the black hole's insatiable hunger.

Trees were uprooted from their roots with their massive trunks and branches hurtling through the air like fragile toys.

The very ground seemed to writhe and convulse as the black hole's pull grew stronger, the once-stable terrain now a chaotic mess of debris and turmoil.

Leon, caught in the overwhelming force of the vortex, realized the gravity of his situation.

His body was buffeted by the gale of darkness, and he felt a chilling, dragging force pulling at him. The energy of the black hole threatened to tear him apart. His scales and armor were pressed to their limits, and he could feel the air being violently yanked away from him.


"I knew it..I knew it.."