Chapter 9: A Familiar Classroom

"I curse every scoundrel to endless suffering! May they meet a terrible end!" 

 Waking up once again in the classroom, Elias felt completely numb.

 He clutched at his chest, his expression numb as he looked around.

 The girl who was dumped was still crying, the classmates around were indignant, and the girl sitting next to him sneaked glances at him from time to time...

 It was a scene all too familiar to him.

 It felt almost as comforting as coming home.

 [Return Point Activated: Rose City University, Magic Guidance Class B]

 [Save Attempts Remaining: 2/5]

 Only two lives left...

 Elias slumped in his chair, overwhelmed by a profound sense of helplessness.

 He had tried comforting, he had tried fleeing, but no matter what...

 The end was always the same.

 Each death was more gruesome than the last.

 Of course, while he was almost numb to dying, giving up was not an option.

 After all, Elias cherished his own life more than anyone.

 Although he hadn't seen the sunrise the day after his last save, there was a significant breakthrough.


 [Race: Hybrid (Human 95%; Creature - Sgugth 5%)]

 [Attributes: Strength: 83, Constitution: 54, Agility: 82, Charm: 76, Inspiration: Unknown, Sanity: Unknown]

 [Talents: Mimicry, Regeneration, Psychic Attack]

 In the original game, complete information about a character, like their attribute sheet, was available only after successful containment, aiding players in team assembly.

 Perhaps because he had previously contained Luna, Elias gained early access to her stats.

 Information bought with his own lives.

Elias was somewhat surprised that Luna actually had abilities like mimicry or even shape-shifting.

 If she wished, she could probably disguise herself as anyone and infiltrate his life without his knowledge.

 It was quite terrifying...

 Even knowing that she hadn't found the classroom yet, Elias couldn't shake off a paranoid feeling.

 Feeling like anyone around him could be Luna in disguise...

 "Elias... what's wrong?" his desk mate asked curiously, noticing his wary glances.

 "What are you looking at?"


 Elias shifted his gaze elsewhere.

 There was another unexpected gain.

 His desk mate's head was still properly attached to her neck, not killed by Luna.

 This at least suggested that the story's end could be changed.

 With this thought, Elias felt a bit more relieved.

 Surviving would require a little patience and...

 A bit of good luck.

Feeling Elias' intense gaze, his desk mate touched her face, a bit uneasy.

 "Is there... something on my face?"

 "No, you look great." Elias, having had an epiphany, flashed a genuine smile. "Just remember not to chat me up later, for your own safety."

 His charming smile momentarily dazed her. She lowered her head slightly, her cheeks flushing. Then she processed Elias' strange warning.


 She blinked in confusion. What did he mean?

 But Elias, reverting to seriousness, fell silent and ignored her.

 He sat upright in his chair, waiting quietly.

 "Elias, your girlfriend is here looking for you!"

 As all eyes turned, including Elias', towards the girl standing at the doorway, the beautiful scene unfolded again.

 "Please, is... is my bro here?"

Elias smiled gently and waved his hand. "Hey, Luna, I'm over here."

 "bro! I finally found you!"

 Luna, her white dress flowing, ran excitedly towards Elias.

 His smile was flawless as he opened his arms to Luna.

 Under the sun, the beautiful youth and girl embraced tightly, the setting sun casting a golden glow over them.

 A heartwarming and picturesque scene.

 Their classmates whispered, some with envy, others with jealousy, oblivious to the underlying danger of the moment.

 "bro, let's go home. Luna has been waiting for you..."

 Luna looked up shyly from Elias' embrace.

 He nodded gently, "Okay."

 Despite the constant calculations in his mind, Elias' smile didn't falter. Repeated reloads had honed his acting skills.

 As usual, just as they reached the door, a male classmate called out:

 "Elias! The professor wants to see you! She said to come to her office after school!"

 Elias, as before, casually responded:

 "I'll go tomorrow—"

 He paused mid-sentence, a sudden thought striking him. He felt he was missing something crucial.

 He stopped, turning to ask the male classmate.

 "Where is the professor's office?"

 The classmate, actually the class president, pointed down the hallway.

 "Go straight, turn left, then right at the principal's statue. It's the second door."

 "Thanks!" Elias nodded promptly, his mind racing.

"bro, aren't we going home?" Luna looked at Elias cautiously.

 "I have some important things to handle. Wait here for me, I'll be back soon."

 Elias gently patted her shoulder, instructing her with patience.

 "Okay..." Luna nodded obediently, understanding the seriousness in Elias' expression. She stood still, watching his departing figure.

 Once out of Luna's sight, Elias quickened his pace. He had a hunch, something crucial he might have overlooked.

 The narrative had hinted from the beginning about visiting the professor's office – likely a pivotal plot point.

 How could he have missed it before! Luna's constant threats had distracted him, making him overlook this new storyline in the game's second run. 

After all, the first chapter was titled [The Ghost of Rose City University], and the campus disappearance case was the real main storyline.

 Following the main plot could lead to rewards – perhaps the right way to progress...

 Lost in thought, Elias finally reached the second office door.

 'lsabella, College Professor.'

 The doorplate listed many titles: Basic Magic Theory, Magical Craftsmanship Processes, Advanced Lecturer in Divination and Mysticism, Associate Professor, Temporary Advisor for Magic Guidance Class B...

 Elias quickly scanned these titles, picturing a middle-aged woman with wise eyes. He took a deep breath and gently knocked on the office door.

 "Come in."

 The response came quickly, but to Elias' surprise, the voice was much younger than expected.