Chapter 34: Unmasking Deceptions

"If you find any new clues, please make sure to inform me immediately."

After saying this, Chief Leonardo glanced at Elias and left the office with his assistant.

Elias blinked, surveying his surroundings, realizing he was back in the office from two days ago.

His thoughts were somewhat hazy, unlike last time, he didn't wave goodbye to the chief. His mind was racing with the events from just seconds before.

The night, the alley, the musty smell of the lower city...

And that ghostly blood-red shadow...

Elias slowly turned around, the instigator of it all silently watching him, her gaze tinged with confusion.

[Chapter One, The Ghost of Rose City University]

[Save Point: Magical Guidance Class B Office]

[Remaining Rewinds: 4/5]

Elias smiled wryly, touching his left temple, thinking that shooting himself was indeed the least painful way to rewind.

"Elias? What's wrong?"