Chapter 50: Beneath the Bridge of Redemption

The morning quietly slipped away. Elias glanced out the window at the rare sunny day in the City of Saint Rose.

Isabella remained silent, sitting on the ground, seemingly in a state of self-imposed isolation.

Deciding not to provoke her further, Elias prepared to leave in search of Luna, who had disappeared since his fainting.

He couldn't find her around the mansion and wondered where she could be hiding.

It was still chilly outside in the early spring.

Elias donned a thick wool coat and a duckbill cap before heading to the door. 

He looked back at Isabella.

"I'll be out for a while, Professor. Wait for me here."

Though she appeared unmoved and silent, the slight flutter of her eyelashes when he mentioned leaving betrayed her thoughts.

Elias inwardly chuckled, knowing Isabella wasn't one to give up easily. She was just biding her time.