Chapter 129: Dilemma

Seeing Olivia all fired up and bristling with a murderous aura, Elias quickly tried to calm her down.

"Who said I'm meeting her? I never said that, okay!"

That witch lady, she's always on the move, gallivanting around the world. 

Tracking her down? Easier said than done.

And hey, we're just wrapping up Chapter 2 here. Chapter 3 hasn't even kicked off.

Nothing's set in stone yet. How can she be so sure that our next gig involves the witch?

Olivia's eyes narrowed dangerously as she watched Elias scrambling to explain.


Elias suddenly felt a scrutinizing gaze piercing through him, the pressure mounting. 

This was no less intimidating than being sized up by a malevolent deity...

He wiped the grin off his face and nodded earnestly.


Olivia stared into his eyes, unblinking.

Elias's expression was a fortress, impregnable.

After a long moment, Olivia finally relaxed her face.