Chapter 158: Tilly's Frenzy

"Your professor just up and disappeared, huh..."

Elias peered intensely at Tilly, who seemed momentarily thrown off.

This only deepened his suspicions.

The messed-up, chaotic handwriting, the ramping up of emotions, and...

That last page, yanked out right when she was about to hit the big 'truth.'

Looks like Tilly's professor, the famed magician Usuma, might've had a rough ending...

But Tilly bounced back quick, completely brushing off Elias's theory, her voice quivering with emotion.

"That's not it at all..."

She retorted loudly:

"You're overthinking this. You're too timid, always playing it safe! You can't grasp the stuff that's out of your league!

"The professor did it! She nailed it, so I can too!!"

Seeing Tilly like this, Elias couldn't help but let out a dry chuckle, placing his hands gently on her shoulders.