Chapter 174: The Start of a Mad Plan

Elias silently set down the paper.

Besides the blood-written words, there was a bloodstained handprint on it, dirty and hasty, indicating she was in a dire, likely injured state when she wrote this last part.

It indeed seemed like Usuma's final words.

The few lines of blood script conveyed an overwhelming sense of despair to Elias. He hadn't imagined Usuma achieving something so unimaginable, yet, even so, she ultimately resolved nothing.

Just a glaring, painful conclusion of "no solution."

Elias slowly turned to Tilly, handing her the paper.

"This is the last page torn from your professor's notes, written for you."

Tilly's eyes widened in shock.

"This... left for me by professor?"

Elias silently watched her as Tilly's hands trembled holding the note. She read it over and over, disbelief etching her features.

"How could it be... How could the problem of magicians have no solution?"