Chapter 194: A Dreamy Snowy Date

"I don't want to see that!" Elias looked at her, speechless.

"Don't decapitate your head for a show! I want to see magic, not a horror scene live!!"

"Oh..." Tilly nodded, somewhat cluelessly, "If you don't want to see it, then forget it..."

She pondered over Elias's date plans, "But... I don't see what's so interesting about listening to music and watching the night view. "

"Don't we see the night scene of the City of Saint Rose every day? Living here so long, I'm pretty tired of it..."

Elias let out a helpless, wry smile.

What an unromantic soul! Not a hint of interest in the finer things of life, so powerless...

But Elias still wanted to take her. She might say this, but what's the reference value of someone who has never really experienced it? 

Isn't it romantic to be with the one you love, to experience all sorts of new things, and to witness joys never felt before?

Tilly might not understand, but Elias did.