Chapter 215: New Ideas

Above the skies of Heglais Town, magicians were unleashing their signature moves, turning the scene into a spectacular display.

Watching from a distance, Elias couldn't help but think that, good fight or not, the magicians' battle was way more of a sight to behold than the earlier brawl between those two behemoths.

The sky, filled with magic, resembled festive fireworks, ensuring a feast for the eyes above all.

Of course, the magicians weren't just putting on a show. The spells from the two elders and Tilly were particularly fierce.

Elias saw Tilly sparing no expense, utilizing all her magical instruments to their fullest.

Powered by several magical orbs and the added effects of various magical gadgets, a relentless torrent of soul-stirring magic battered Antius, making the massive body tremble continuously.

Those precious magical instruments were, naturally, gifts from Elias.