Chapter 238: Cheers!

Phelin quickly glanced between Elias and Isabella.

A realization struck her, "Oh! I get it, have you been bewitched by this vampire lady? Mr. Elias, have you become her lover?"

Isabella was so furious she was ready to throw Phelin out. She signaled the innkeeper, and suddenly a crew armed with kitchen tools emerged from the back.

"Mr. Elias!" Phelin knew she had crossed a line but felt compelled to fulfill her perceived noble mission, blurting out rapidly:

"You're human, and there's no good ending with a vampire. Think about it, how long do their lives stretch? You're just a fleeting amusement in her eternal existence. But with us, it's different, if you just join us..."

"Enough!" Elias's darkening expression wasn't just a shock to Isabella but made the room fall silent.