Chapter 241: Making The First Move

In the shadowy depths of the corridor, candlesticks around them flickered to life, heralding the night at Thorn Castle.

As the castle blazed with light, it cast a soft glow in their eyes. For some reason, Elias found the gaze of this beautiful woman unsettlingly direct, almost eerie.

"No need for formalities with me," she said with a smile. "Since you've caught Isabella's eye, you're practically family. And in the Abraham family, we don't stand on ceremony like those human nobles."

Elias nodded, smiling. His guess was right. The elegant woman before him, holding a little girl's hand, was indeed the current Duchess, the matriarch of the Abraham family, and also Isabella's stepmom, Grace.

After the greetings, Grace approached warmly, taking Isabella's hand. "Felix always mentions you. After such a long wait, you're finally back. Just wait here for a moment; I'll go fetch him for you."