Chapter 295: Nyarl's Chaos Powers

"So finally, I wish the month-long industrial expo great success!"

"Success my foot!" Elias muttered under his breath, visibly annoyed as he stared at Charlton II on the stage. He was truly tired of hearing that phrase.

"What's wrong?" Olivia quickly turned to Elias, puzzled about how her father might have offended him.

Elias took a deep breath, "It's nothing, just a minor issue."

[Save Point: Crystal Palace Exhibition Hall]

[Remaining Reloads: 2/5]

Only two lives left... Elias was nearly cornered.

That damned pink-haired woman... His gaze darkened even more at the thought of her devious schemes that had him running in circles, stirring a wave of irritation within him.

Such arrogant, high-and-mighty women should be locked up in a dark, sunless basement of an old mansion and severely punished to cure their arrogance!

Having learned from his last reload, Elias calmed down and began to reassess the situation.