Chapter 321: He even knows combat magic...

Just as Azalea's [Judgment] was about to strike Charlton, Elias noticed that he and his desk vanished into thin air.

After swinging through empty space, Azalea paused momentarily before retreating to stand in front of Elias, her eyes scanning the surroundings warily.

"Where did he go?"

"Since you already know that this is a world of my creation, you should also realize that you can't kill me here," came Charlton's voice from the darkness.

A gas lamp behind them slowly lit up, revealing Charlton setting down his book.

"Just hiding, are you?" Azalea sneered as she charged at Charlton again.

This time, because she was so close, Elias clearly saw Azalea's [Judgment] hit only a faint shadow. Charlton and the desk disappeared into the air once more.