Chapter 324: Divine magic and sorcery share the same origin

Hagelitz Palace, in the study.

Azalea, expressionless, surveyed the study, searching for Charlton's true form.

As she passed each area, the illusionary bookshelves began to collapse and dissipate, allowing Elias to glimpse the true nature of the real world.

A soft white light enveloped them both, easing the gravitational pressure that had been bearing down on Elias.

He felt the divine magic returning; if the domain were likened to a "black hole," Azalea was tearing open a rift in it with her formidable power, as the force of faith continuously flowed in.

"I've found you," Azalea's indifferent gaze slowly shifted to a spot.

Though her face remained expressionless, a killing intent flashed momentarily as the divine magic [Judgment] descended from the heavens.

Enveloped in a bright light, Charlton had nowhere to hide.

But he seemed unfazed by the spear-like rays of divine punishment.

"Divine magic, huh..."