A Hero’s Disposition

Once a few moments of silence was achieved, Adonis turned to Grandmaster Conrad and nodded.

It was time for the second grave announcement to be made.

"The Head Warrior Brutus has yet to return from his expedition."

This announcement didn't seem like much to the students, and to be honest, it wasn't supposed to be.

"We gave him and his men three days to complete their investigation, and it's only been two days. Normally, there would be no cause for concern, but a recent development has occurred."

The faces of the students slowly began to twist in worry. They could detect, from Conrad's tone and expression alone, that the matter was grave.

"His Royal Badge was also destroyed, but more than that… his Life Force is barely detectable."

Lucielle slowly nodded solemnly as Conrad said this, her brows creasing to form wrinkles of worry on her usually clear face.