Warehouse Manager

Sylvia loved money.

As she sat on her chair, piles of Coins were arranged to form towers before her.

There were quite a few Bronze Coin Towers, a couple made up of Silver Coins, and finally…

… A Golden Coin Tower!

She was grinning like a baby as she played with the tower of coins before her.

Sylvia had a dark ebony skin, with black hair and pure black eyes.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but Sylvia's dark irises showed nothing, prompting many to call her soulless.

She didn't mind, though. Of what she was a Soul if one didn't have the money needed to enjoy it?

That was her philosophy.

"Looks like no one is invading today as well. What a bummer…" Sylvia sighed, placing a hand on her cheek as she poured a little.

Her office was within the Warehouse Building, and it was considerably large. Since she was the Manager, it was only a given.