Making Arrangements

'It's a good thing I took precautions earlier…'

Rey sent his gaze to the unconscious Esme, focusing on the ring that graced her finger.

'I'm sorry, Alicia. But this is to keep you safe…'

It was better for Aldred to suspect Esme as being close to him and not Alicia. That way, he could protect her and hide her identity.

'By using the ring, he'll believe she's the one I went through all this trouble for.'

However, despite all the factors, Aldred was apparently still not convinced.

At least, that was what Rey observed.

'Why else would he be concerned about Billy and Alicia that are above? He probably thinks I'm lying…'

Thankfully, Aldred didn't have any proof that it was the case.

'Still, I better be careful.' Rey thought to himself.

At the very least, he comforted himself with the fact that all of this would be over soon enough.

He just had to complete his activities here for the day.