Ralyks Vs Jer’ard [Pt 1]


As the Jer'ard, Dragon Commander of the Empire, screamed at the very top of his lungs, the atmosphere changed instantly.

His humanoid form was covered in bluish purple energy as he swiftly transformed—no, reverted—to his original state.


The form of a Dragon!

His scaly body was colossal, and it displayed nothing short of monstrous majesty.

However, the expression on the Dragon's face showed nothing like that.

It was a look of absolute terror!


Dark purple energy gathered in his mouth as it sent the incredible blast of energy straight towards the one who called himself Ralyks.


The entire area trembled as the blast neared him, completely obliterating everything around.

Magic Crystals turned to dust, and the environment shook violently as it welcomed the destructive darkness that was Jer'ard's Dragon Breath.