The Dungeon Raid Discourse [Pt 2]


Once the Royal Council made their intentions clear from the start, everything else flowed seamlessly.

Ralyks began the briefing as curtly as he could, and everyone fell silent and listened.

"I spent the last few days exploring the Dungeon in order to understand what path to take and how long the entire Raid will last."

The curious eyes of his audience were enough to do the asking for them.

"It'll take several weeks. Probably two to three months."

Taking into account the time needed for rest, journeying, and the overall clearing of the Floors—including mining—it would take approximately three months.

"Of course, that period could dwindle or increase, depending on how capable the team I'm leading is. I have no doubt they'll be formidable, though, considering the fact that they held their own against a Dragon Commander."