The Intrusion

'Is this really the way it ends? I can't do anything more than this?'

As the unfair truth rubbed itself in Asher's face, he felt the invincible being pull closer.

He could already smell the sulfur and smoke, and the heat itched his skin.

This was truly the end…

"Hm? Who's that?"

… Or not.

Anukus stopped before he reached Asher, his gaze focused on something in the distance—behind the crouching man.

'E-eh? What's happeni—?'

Before Asher could realize what was going on, he suddenly felt himself being pulled into something strange.

It felt like the world had become a blur, and everything became blurry, until—a second later—it was back to normal.

"H-huh?" He noticed that, somehow, Anukus was further away from him than before.

They had been mere inches apart before, but now it was more like seventy to a hundred meters.

'What happened? How did this…? I don't understand!'